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Ghost’s POV

        I didn’t want to feel this. I didn’t want to feel this bad over something that I have no control over.

        Does he think I wanted to hurt him? Does he think I wanted any of this? I’m sorry but it’s not like I wanted to hurt anyone. Yes, I know I have changed but I am sorry about that.

        I know I’m a nice person but look where that caught me. I thought I was in love with my best friend who barely knows I even like him.

        I wanted to apologize to him but I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what to do. Ugh. I should call Kuza; he might be able to help.

        I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone and called him. He picked up on the first ring.


        “Hey sexy,” he spoke into the phone. His voice sent chills running down my spine.


        “Are you okay? You don’t sound like you are. Tell me what happened.”

        I sighed before I even answered. “During the whole car ride here, Ricky just seemed pissed off so I didn’t want to be around him so when we got in I was walking to my room but then he started an argument. Saying that I changed and said that I was turning into a total dick.”

        “Wow, sounds harsh.”

        “Yeah, but my responses wasn’t the best neither.”

        “Oh Ghost, what did you say?”

        I told him all that I said and what I meant to say instead of those things. He comforted me saying that everything was going to be okay and I believed him.

        “I think I should talk to him calmly but then again, I’m still kind of mad about the whole thing so I don’t know what to do anymore Kuza,” I whined.


        “Don’t stress yourself out Ghost. You two will make up, I’ll tell you what. How about you come over so we can hang out just to get your mind off things,” he offered. I was about to think twice on whether or not I should go but I did want to see him.

        I wanted to see his face when he tells me that everything will be okay.

        “I’ll alright. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

        “Okay and I will be waiting right here.”

        I laughed. “Bye Kuza.”

        “Bye Kuza.”

        I hung up and stood up from the bed. I felt icky for some reason and decided that I should take a quick shower before I left. I put on some fresh and new clothes, which was just a black tank top underneath a BlackCraft Cult hoodie and black leggings. I slipped on my shoes and got my phone and headed out of the bedroom.

        Off to the side I could hear music playing in Ricky’s room. The closer I got I could tell what song it was. It was Love Without Tears by H.I.M.  I thought I should tell Ricky where I was going so I knocked on the door.

        The music stopped. “Come in,” I heard him yell before I creaked the door open.

        “Ricky?” I asked before I saw him laying down in his bed, looking up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head.

        He didn’t look up at me when I came in, not even when I called his name. He’s still pissed.

        “Um…I’m going over to Kuza’s apartment for a while.”


        That was all his said but the way he said it made my heart hurt. He didn’t sound mad, even though he looked the part, but he sounded hurt. But I knew he didn’t want me around.

        “Okay, bye.”

        I closed the door before the music started playing again. It sucked feeling this bad, but I didn’t want to think about it now. All I wanted was to be with Kuza for this moment.

Can You Save Me? (RickyHorrorxGhost)Where stories live. Discover now