Chapter 14

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Lucy's POV

I guess I could say that Natsu picked a rather bad time to overhear my conversation on the phone this morning - thus, making the rest of the early hours quite awkward and I could almost taste the silence as I pretended to do something productive on my phone. The pink haired boy ate his cereal as I occasionally glanced in his direction, silently praying that he would bring up anything about the phone call.

"Luc-" Natsu began, fortunately being cut off by a slightly more than hungover Gray who raged about his headache after entering the kitchen. I could predict what Pinkie was going to say to Fullbuster before he even made his way inside the room, this wasn't going to be good...

Natsu placed his spoon down, "pipe down Jerk, I can't even eat my Frosties without you barging in here"

"Oh yeah? Not like you're busy talking to your girlfriend here or anything, hot head" Gray retorted, arching his brow as the two testosterone-filled boys smashed foreheads together and threw insults back and forth (much resembling a tennis match of sorts, may I add)

I sighed and shook my head in response, counting down in my head and as if on queue the terrifying Erza Scarlet waltzed into the kitchen like the two boys and smashed their heads together in a furious rage. I almost felt sorry for Jellal quivering in the corner scared for his life and Juvia, much on the contrary, was by Gray's side and panicked over his now bruised head. I almost felt sorry for the two before I decided to leave to my room.
- - -
I couldn't help but stare at my reflection as I passed the mirror within my room and surprisingly enough I didn't seem to recognise myself but not in the negative way. I appeared happier, more confident and empowering but I wasn't sure if that was just my self conscious talking after being in those cheerleading costumes that covered nothing at all. However, a cheer costume was the least of my current worries along with my Father, moving, football, Natsu, the absolute state of my house and not even to mention what's bound to happen with Loke.


I remember the days of my past, before Lisanna, before football, before Natsu and everything else, when life was easy and simple. Loke was my first friend, he was forever there for me and always knew what to say when times were tough. Even though he would constantly flirt with me because of his playboy persona I still admired him and held him close, if only the Hag from Hell hadn't taken him from me.

Still, I can't help but think would would've happened if Natsu had stayed with Lisanna and Loke was never apart of it; would I have been with the playboy of Fairy Tail High? Would I have ever been friends with Natsu again? I guess fate has a strange way of deciding things and it's particularly strange for me and my disastrous life. Yet again, I sighed as I stared back into my own hazel brown eyes and jumped out of my skin after seeing a certain boy in the mirror behind me, bare in mind him being completely unexpected.

He inched closer to me as I fell back to sit on the bed from behind the mirror, Natsu stand in front of me with a very serious expression painted on his face and I couldn't help but to bite my lip in anticipation as the expected words flowed from his mouth: "Lucy, tell me... Are you moving back to your mansion?" Dragneel asked, sadness spiking his voice and slightly distorting it in a way that only I could transcribe after knowing him for this extensive amount of time.

Though I heavily regretted it, I nodded my head in a barely noticeable manner and refused to look at Natsu in the eye as I diverted my eyes. I felt a gentle grasp on my chin as Natsu turned my head to face him and I looked over to Natsu's eyes that drew me in like a house on fire, I realised how difficult it would be to part from him. How could I go back home with such an irresistible person here for me. "Just remember" he started, "now matter how many miles we are apart, I shall always be here for you"

"Sorry to rain on your parade but could you stop your heated moment for a minute and come see this?" Jellal asked whilst peering into the room, I laughed and stood up to take Natsu's hand.

I was starting to think that moving back wasn't as bad as I expected...

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Hey guys! Sorry for the little filler chapter here, I just wanted to update whilst I get my other chapters together. Also, before you all ask me where I've been for the longest time ever, Because of school exams and being ill these past couple weeks I just haven't physically been able to update any books and it's absolutely killed me but I'm back at school now and I'm up and running again so it's good to be back and I hope you'll enjoy the better chapters to come!

- Denby

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