Chapter 15

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Lucy's POV

By the time Natsu and all my friends bid me goodbye, I was already sat in the middle of WW3. In other words, my room was a disaster thanks to the last minute call from my Father. Today was the last opportunity to catch a train before the magnolia festival, hence why I had to pack everything and go in the next 2 hours.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my Father to pieces but leaving Magnolia to go home? Well, that's a whole other issue in itself. As a little kid before my Mother passed away, I was always the princess of the family in the pretty pink dresses and best manners along with the best intentions; I guess after the passing of my Mother that all changed and I had to escape my old self in order to forget.

The ringtone of my phone interrupted my dark thoughts as I read the caller ID: Natsu.

"Yo Luce, there's been a robbery down at the train station and the whole place has been shut down" Natsu explained in his calming tone, however my heart sung into my chest... What was I going to do now?

I hesitated to answer, "How else could I get back to the mansion?" I mumbled before Natsu spoke once again in a way that I could gather as his smiling/talking speech.

"How about I give you a lift there?"

- - -

Driving down the highway I gazed hopelessly out of the window as trees passed by and occasionally presented the crimson sky through the gaps in the oak. A million thoughts anxiously trickled into my mind like a nervous river as I fiddled with my jumper sleeve. Suddenly, I felt warmth in my hand as I looked down to see it entwined within Natsu's.

"Don't stress about it Luce, I hate seeing you all pent up like this", the salmon haired boy and I exchanged smiles, "I love you Lucy"

And that's when they drove into the back of the wagon...






Groggily I opened my eyes to examine the room. Too much white - my room walls were a much darker shade of purple...

The beeping of my alarm made me more aware of my surroundings as I rolled onto my side and smacked the top of the clock. Then I hit it again, still hearing the vexing noise. 'This isn't right' I thought to myself as I bolted up from my half asleep self and looked at the machine I had mistaken for my clock.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaimed, looking intently at the hospital monitor.

My gut twisted as much as my face contorted as I stared down at all the tubes running down from left, right and centre and I took a deep breath to analyse what had happened to myself. Two massive casts had been placed over my legs. Then out of nowhere, the hospital door opened to reveal a middle aged, grumpy looking woman with a name tag that read 'Porlyusica'. I furrowed my eyebrows at the woman as she picked up a clipboard from the end of the bed and read whatever was on it.

"Lucy Heartfilia?" She questioned

I awkwardly looked around, "Yes?"

"Can you remember what you were doing last night?"

I sat there, recalling the events of Yesterday in my head and like a worn out recording, it cut off as I thought about Natsu taking me to my mansion. Why couldn't I remember? Had I already gotten dementia?

My eyes darted to the door as a familiar face appeared through the door, though this time his face was a pallet of black and blue - Natsu.

His face dropped in concern and realisation of the severity of the accident; "Lucy" he said, though, it was barely a whisper. Porlyusica looked up to the pink haired boy and then back to me, "I am sorry to say this Miss Heartfilia... But, you may never walk again"

The room went silent as a wave of disbelief, sadness, anger and frustration came over me and I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face along with the redness around my eyes as I looked down at my legs, "what happened?" I could barely say.

Then Natsu Dragneel stepped closer, "we were in a car accident, a truck came swerving into us on the road and the car got jammed in between the road blocks and the truck. The drivers side was crushed, causing your legs to break. I'm so sorry..."

"I-I don't know what to say"

The colour washed away from my face like wearing mascara on a rainy day.

I would never play football again
(A/N Hey guys! Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you don't hate me too much because of that ending :(
I'm starting to write again as my life gets less stressful but I would like to thank all of you who have persevered through my long breaks from writing - I appreciate all of you!!!!)

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