Chapter Four

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It was 3:45.

"Tojo-Sensei, don't you think you should be heading home?"

"Yes, I suppose you're right. May you do me a favor?"

"I'm all ears."

"I'd like you to read the book The Giver. It's my favorite." She handed you a library copy of the book. "I was the last one who read it." She cupped her cheek with her hand and stared at the book adoringly.

"I'll be sure to read it."

Kirumi stood at the entrance and bowed to you, "It was a pleasure teaching you today. I'll see you tomorrow."

She closed the door with a tiny click.


You sat down on the plush couch and yelled for Alexa.

"Alexa! Play Audioslave's Like A Stone."

On A Cobweb Afternoon, in a room full of emptiness.

by the freeway, I confess I was lost in the pages.

Of a book full of death, reading how we'll die alone.

And after dawn, we'll lay to rest anywhere we wanna go.

You prepared yourself for the chorus, vocal chords steady. There was no possible way you could hit the notes of Chris Cornell, but you still tried.


In your house, I long to be.

Room by room, patiently.

I'll wait for you there.

Like A Stone.

I'll wait for you there.

Alone, alone.

You let the rest of the song play out. It was such a good song.

If only Chris Cornell didn't commit suicide.



Your mother walked in the door with haste.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. Just paranoid."

Right. Your mother got paranoid at random times. She used to be stalked.

"What do you say we order out? Papa Johns?"

You shrugged. "Sure."







Your father walked in the door, smelling like booze and cheese.

Cheesecake factory.

You were sitting on the couch, watching the movie Juno.

"It's late. Go to bed."

"Go figure, dad."

"Don't fucking talk back to me."

You stuck your tongue out to him.

He shook his head and walked to his bedroom. He would never, ever hit you. He was just drunk.


When the movie ended, you trudged back to your own room. Sitting down on the vanity, you opened up the book Kirumi gave you.

Every book has a library slip, with the house numbers and the due date.


Kirumi said she was the last entry, right?

You checked the last box.

There it was, her house numbers. 1120.

You wrote it down.


Author's Note.

The words to that song mayyy be wrong.

Why is it 1120? No, it's not my address.

When I was younger, I used to speak in numbers

A = 1

B = 2

and so on, until 26.

K = 11

T = 20

K & T are Kirumi Tojo's initials. 

I wanted to make the mother and father a little special, without being too cliche. I mean, it kiiiiiinda gets cliche, when you find out more about [Y/N] past tutor. (Oh shit, if people are smart enough, they can tell the story just by that sentence, but I don't know any other way to word it!!!)

So I did make it so that the father drinks, but he's not an alcoholic. Nor abusive.

I also noticed that in my other stories, the main character doesn't have a character arc. I might try to make one for this!


Effort is not a word I know, sorry. (At least when it comes to making shitty fanfictions :') 

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