Chapter Five

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 (Trigger Warning. The sensual kind of trigger.) (No, not the steamy Kirumi scene.)

The next day, Kirumi came over at 8:00 sharp. Still looked fine as ever.

"So, how far did you get?" Kirumi eagerly asked you.

It took you a minute to realize she was talking about the book.

"Oh yeah, I stopped at the part where I learned they killed babies."

Kirumi let out a giggle, "Yes, I was spooked by that as well."



Kirumi and you had a great time together. While you did learn a lot, you also stared deeply into her eyes for a while. Every now and then. The last time you did that, Kirumi stared back. Your heart raced.

"[Y/N], may I ask you a personal question? You may say no."

"No, it's okay. What's up?"

"I've heard I'm not your first teacher. Who was the first? Again, you need'nt answer that."

You stared at the coffee table. Then into her eyes. You didn't want to tell anyone, but those eyes.

Those damn eyes.

"He never focused on the teaching. He just focused on how to unclasp my bra without me noticing."

"Are you saying he attempted sexual assault."

Your voice got quieter.

"Not attempt."

Kirumi lowered her eyebrows in sympathy. She wrapped her arms around you from the back.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." You whispered.

"I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Thanks." You put your hand on hers briefly.


The next few days were wonderful. She had taught you a bunch of things that weren't what other teachers would. Since she was a maid, she knew where every fork, spoon, knife, and napkin went.

Now you did too.

Yesterday, she taught you how to do laundry and sew.


It was the next Monday, 8:10 PM. Your mother walked into the door.

"Honey, your father is taking a vacation with his work buddies. My boss suddenly sprung up this bullshit trip on me, and it's mandatory. Plus, we're letting Kirumi take a week off. She said she hated days off, but I insisted. Are you gonna be okay for, like, four days? I can call your aunt."

"Nah, I'm fine. I know how to take care of myself."

"That teacher is really doing you good, huh? I'm glad." She walked over to the kitchen and slammed a box of triscuits onto the table.


You stared at the triscuits. Then at her. Then at the triscuits again.

"I made Kimchi."

Your mom pretended to fan tears.


When you woke up, both of your parents were gone.

Home alone, baby!

You felt like taking your shirt off and dancing on the furniture, but...

You pulled out out your laptop.

Google; Kirumi Tojo.

Of course, searching up a human being on the internet whose not famous, is not successful.

However, you weren't searching for images.

You were searching for a background check.

Second page, first link. You watched as the site processed her information. You paid the fee of $20, and there it was.

She had a clean criminal record.

However, that's not what you were looking for. The whole purpose of the search was to find her exact address.

1120 Cufflink Dr.

That was three blocks down. Kirumi probably walked to the house every day.


You grabbed your bag. It's contents were;


-Change of clothes

-Absolute favorite teddy bear



And you headed on to Kirumi's apartment.


Author's Note

I've been up all night.

Last summer, I had a record of 21 all-nighters. (It counted as one if i stayed up past 5:30.)

I think I already beat it????

By the time I post this story, I'll either be in or was in Georgia! I've only been to Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois.

Going way off topic, I was looking at my yearbook from this year and I saw that that the grade above me had a science club.

They went to Wisconsin, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, and Kansas!!!!!!!!

(I love traveling.)

But I think you have to be invited, because only 10 or so people went. I don't care how bad I am at science, there is no way I'm not doing that. They went to the grand canyon, for fuck's sake!!!

I have burns on the edge of my hands from the heat of the computer. I also have computer imprints on my thighs.

Anyway, yeah.


Dust Bunnies [AU! Kirumi Tojo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now