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table read

It's the day of the table read. Today you find out everything that happens in the first 4 episodes of Season 3 and you get to see what your character is like.

It's currently 11:45 and you have to be at the Screen Gems studios in 15 minutes. You get your bag together that contains your phone, gum, and wallet.

"Y/n, are you ready?" your mum yells from the other end of the house. "Uh, yeah. I'm coming!". You run down the stairs and quickly fix your hair by pulling out some of the strands. You were wearing a black and white stripped shirt with black jeans, black old school vans and a light blue denim jacket over the top. You quickly chucked a yellow beanie in your bag incase it got cold.

 You quickly chucked a yellow beanie in your bag incase it got cold

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You watched as you drove past the scenery of Atlanta. You couldn't help but feel nervous because you were meeting all of the cast today and you wanted to make sure you had a good first impression.

The car had stopped and your looked over to your mum who looks back at you. She grabs your hands trying to comfort you. "You'll do just fine. Just be yourself" your mum said with a smile. You started to feel a bit better about the whole situation. You grabbed your bag and jumped out of the car looking out at the massive stages where you would be spending a lot of time in for the next couple months.

Your mum pulled open the door to the stage and you walked in. Two rows of tables were set up with microphones and name tags. All the seats were currently empty and your couldn't make out the names of the tags from far away.

You heard lots of chatter coming from the side of the stage so you turned to see most of the cast and crew in different groups talking

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You heard lots of chatter coming from the side of the stage so you turned to see most of the cast and crew in different groups talking. Your mum gave you a little push forward telling you to move. She took your bag and walked away. "Great" you thought. She had gone to introduce herself to the other parents.

You began to walk over to a group of people that consisted of Sadie, Noah, Gaten and Caleb. You noticed Noah said something that made the rest of them laugh. During mid-laugh, Sadie looked up and saw you walking toward them. "Oh my God, hey" She said with a big smile plastered on her face. The rest of the group turned and looked at you, smiles forming on their face as well. It made you feel very welcome. "Oh, hey. You must be y/n?" Caleb said, "Uh, yeah" You said shyly. You held out your hand for them to shake but instead Noah brought you into a hug. "We're not that professional" Noah said chuckling as he released you. A grin was forming on your face as you started to lighten up. The rest of them hugged you as well. "Well it's so nice to meet you. Tell us about yourself" Gaten said. Just as you were about to open your mouth to speak Noah stopped you. "Wait, let me go get Millie and Finn" He said before running off to find them. "So are you excited?" Caleb asked, "yeah, i'm super excited but also really nervous because I've never done anything like this before" you said. "So you're new to acting? That's so cool. And by your accent i'm guessing your from Australia?" Sadie asked. (If you're not from Australia, you can change it if you want but i'm from Australia so I thought it was easier) "I am" you said proudly. "Millie is going to freak out when she finds out your Australian, we love Australian accents and we were so excited when we found out another girl was joining" Sadie said excitedly. You let out a chuckle.

A group of people holding a camera came up to you and started filming but no one seemed to notice so you just ignored them. Noah came back with Millie and Finn. Millie ran up to you and gave you a big hug. "Sorry, i'm a hugger. It's so nice to meet you." Millie exclaimed. "and you" you said back at her. "And she Australian!" Sadie said. Millie let out a huge gasp and hugged you again, "Oh my god, i love Australians" she said. You laughed at her excitement. Once Millie had let go of you Finn came up and gave you a hug (No this isn't going to be a Finn Fan fiction, he's just being nice.) "So tell us about yourself" Finn said.

You told them a bit about yourself, you weren't feeling as nervous or shy as before. It felt like these guys genuinely liked you. More of the cast came up to you to introduce themselves and they all seemed extremely nice and welcoming.

The people who were holding cameras came over to you, "hey, It's y/n right?" one of them asked. "Yeah" You replied. "We are filming like a little teaser of the table read for the fans and we need you to just quickly do something for us. It shouldn't take long" They said, "sure ". You followed them over to the table that now had four scripts per person on it. "So basically, we just need some footage of you going through the scripts if that's okay?" the man asked. You nodded and made it look like you were reading through the scripts. After they got the footage they needed, you walked back and continued talking to everyone.

Matt and Ross called over everyone to the tables to begin the table read. You were seated between Noah and Gaten. The table read went on and you were really liking your character. Laughter filled the room at some of the things your character said.

After the table read, you finished with a cast dinner. There was tons of food ready to be eaten by the hungry cast. You spent the rest of the night talking to everyone and getting to know Sabrina who would be playing your sister.

At 7:30pm you got back into your car and smiled. You can't believe that had just happened and you can't wait to spend the next couple of months with these guys.


Hehehe hi.

This is a really long chapter so you're welcome :)

Also sorry for being away for a wee bit.

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