Little Dude Right Here

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"That was great! A unanimous vote, I guess brought, us together," nods Dwayne.
"Yeah, for the next ten hours before chaos breaks again," giggles Rachel.
"Yep! You bet!" winks James.
Avril, James, Joey, Michael, Rachel, Taylor, and Beyoncé sit in the sand, by the water. "Okay, so we've pretty much adopted you here," states Joey, gesturing towards Beyoncé.
"Agreed," laughs Taylor.
"Thanks guys," nods Beyoncé.
Lilly and Dwayne sit by the water, far away from everybody else. They decide that it would be best to go fishing. If they proved themselves to be worth staying, then that would probably be apparent to the rest of Moorea that they were very well deserving of being kept. They don't have any fishing tools, so they just use their hands, and miraculously, after hours of work, the two of them each catch a fish.
"Fishy fishy!" calls out Lilly, while everybody else gathers around the campfire to enjoy the new meal.
"Come on in guys!" yells host Jeff Probst. "Who is ready to get to today's reward challenge? For this challenge, you will be randomly paired in groups of two, excluding one castaway who will not have the opportunity to embark on the reward. Each group of two will be handcuffed together. All of the teams will navigate themselves through the maze, starting at the same point. Once in the center of the maze, teams will stack twelve puzzle pieces and construct an idol. First group to correctly construct an idol wins reward. Who wants to know what you're playing for?" asks host Probst. The castaways all cheer. "The winners of this challenge will embark on a sailing trip throughout the waters of French Polynesia. The groups are, David and Rachel, Beyoncé and Michael, James and Joey, Avril and Dwayne, followed by Lilly and Taylor. This leaves Brendon, who will not have a chance to win the reward. Brendon kicks the sand, out of anger and frustration. "Survivors ready, go!" yells Jeff, and this challenge is on. Avril and Dwayne take an aggressive approach, elbowing their fellow castaways out of their way. Beyoncé gets elbowed right in the chest by Dwayne, who doesn't even apologize, making her fall down and take Michael, the one hundred ninety-four pound man down with her. This lets some groups get ahead, leaving Avril and Dwayne at the front, and Beyoncé and Michael at the back. Each team flows into a different part of the maze, each in a different direction. James and Joey at one point get very very close, but turn left just before they would be there. After just a couple of minutes, Avril and Dwayne's aggressive behavior arrives them at the collection of idols before any teams. They quickly get to assembling the idol, handicapped by Avril's left hand, cuffed to Dwayne's right hand. Brendon cheers the two on, as they finish their idol and show it to Jeff Probst. "Correct! Avril and Dwayne win reward! Congratulations to the two of you! Your boat will be here to pick you up in just a second."
"Nice job, you two," says Taylor, giving the two each a fist bump.
A short woman, with a classy simple black updo, leads Avril and Dwayne onto the yacht. Avril and Dwayne each take a seat at either end of the table, grab a menu, and order drinks. "So we haven't really got a chance to talk yet, Avril. How have you been?" asks Dwayne, breaking the ice.
"I've been doing well! I think that we both stand at a good point in the game! What about you?" asks Avril.
"I can't say I disagree! Listen, if I hear your name thrown around, I'm coming you right away to let you know," Dwayne nods. Avril feels strange hearing this from somebody she isn't officially aligned with, especially because now was the first time that they really talked game. She thinks he's trying to just save himself over the rest of the original Māhina, and decides that maybe she can easily just go along with it.
"Same here, man," she says, trying to keep a straight face.
Their waitress comes back and serves drinks, followed by three men who carry out food, filling the table. The yacht begins to navigate throughout the South Pacific, with Dwayne and Avril in awe of what they see.
"So this little alliance or whatever stays between us, okay?" clarifies Dwayne.
"Of course! Of course!" says Avril.
"Come on in guys!" calls Jeff, as the castaways walk in. "First thing's first. Michael, I'm taking it back."
Michael takes the immunity necklace off, twirls, and hands it off to Jeff. "Immunity is back up for grabs," explains Jeff. "This challenge is simple. For this challenge, each castaway will be hanging on a pole, from their legs, above a pool of mud. If at any time, you fall off the pole and into the mud, you are out. Last one standing will win immunity." The castaways are all lined up on one long pole and the challenge begins. After seventeen seconds, Dwayne falls off the pole, with a large splash in the mud, soaking everybody. Taylor goes to wipe some of the mud off of her leg, but slips in the process into the pool. Both castaways are out. A few more seconds of peace pass by, and out of nowhere, Lilly and Joey both take a fall, leaving seven castaways left.
"Dang it," frowns Joey. Seconds ago, he was confident that he could take the win on this challenge.
"Well, nice try," claims Lilly, patting him on the back as the two take a spot beside the pool. A few minutes pass and one by one, three castaways take a plunge. David, then Michael, then Avril.
Beyoncé feels fine, and has felt fine this whole time, however, just one second of not focusing is enough, and she is in the mud. This is the part of Survivor that she hates. She is here for the thrill of it all, the ups and downs of the emotional and mental game. However, she knew that she would have to take the good with the bad, which is why she's here. She just sucks it up and sits down after persevering.
Brendon, James, and Rachel are the final three. An hour passes by and Brendon is in too much pain to move on. He simply can't go on in the challenge, and knows that he'll not make it past the other castaways, and purposely falls. Minutes later, James turns to Rochal and gives her a peace symbol, just before falling into the mud. Rachel grins and dives into the mud, with some energy left in her.
"Rachel wins immunity and is guaranteed a spot in the final ten!" hollers Jeff, with his hands over his head. Rachel walks over to Jeff and receives the pearl necklace, previously worn by David and Michael.
"Nice job, sister!" yells James, clapping.
"Well, that was impressive, not just to Rachel, to all of you!" smiles Dwayne. "No way could I have won that one! Two hundred and sixty pounds is quite a load to carry!" he chuckles, fist bumping Rachel.
Right away, Rachel feels confident enough with her alliance to start calling the shots. "If I could decide, bye bye Rock," she shrugs.
"I honestly don't see why not!" claims Joey, also shrugging.
"He won't at all see it coming, starts Avril, "trust me."
"We have to be careful! David still has his idol and he could play it at any time," says Joey.
"Well, he was with us for the last vote. I don't think it would be too hard to get him with us tonight," explains Michael.
"They'll totally agree with us and think he's a physical threat! No way would they'd be okay with him staying around any longer!" reasons Beyoncé.
Meanwhile, the other alliance is also attempting at scoping out a possibly unanimous target.
"Beyoncé has got to go," says David. "First she flipped on us, then came back, then flipped again, and now she's playing both sides."
"You make a very good point, David," nods Brendon. "She has been all over the place and behavior like that shouldn't stay around any longer, if we can help it!"
"So, does that mean that we gotta whip out the idol tonight?" questions Lilly.
"Well, let's not jump to conclusions," starts David, "I'm sure the other alliance sees the ups and downs of her  and hopefully they can agree that she's got to go."
"David, what if you and I had a two on two with two of the other alliance members?" asks Dwayne.
"I'm down, but with whom?" David asks back.
"It would be the easiest to negotiate with James and Avril, and plus they're aligned," suggests Dwayne
"Great!" says David, nodding.
"I think we've got us a plan! Good luck, you two!" smiles Lilly.
Avril, James, David, and Dwayne all meet each other by the well.
"Okay, so what's your pitch?" asks Avril.
"We were thinking," begins Dwayne, "that Beyoncé would be a good vote. She's been playing both sides and has flipped several times, now. Who were you two thinking?"
"Well we actually-" starts James, before being interrupted by Avril.
"We were actually also going for her," she lies, knowing that Dwayne can't know about his name being a target.
"Wow," states David, buying it, "Two tribal councils in a row this happened! What're the chances?"
"I don't know," says James, "but we sure got lucky!"
James and Avril meet by the beach. "We could totally pull this off," claims James
"That would turn the whole game around! I'm not sure if this is a good idea," shrugs Avril.
"Think, we haven't yet made a big move to stand out, and neither has any old Taiarapu member. This is our chance, and this stays between us, by the way," reasons James
"You make a good point, James. So did Dwayne. I'm just not sure if we should gun for this risk, tonight."
The final eleven castaways set themselves up, comfortably, and Rachel equips her necklace around her neck. "Now bringing in the jury, John voted out at the last tribal council," announces Probst. John and Stef walk in, wave, and sit down. "Rachel, let me start with you. How is it to win immunity for the first time?" questions Jeff
"It's obviously a positive feeling, Jeff. With this, I feel that I'm more free to speak my mind knowing that I'm at least safe for tonight," she nods
"Dwayne, being one of the more physical competitors, how is it to not yet win an individual immunity challenge?" Probst asks.
"Surprisingly, it isn't too embarrassing. I try to be humble, and these three deserved it anyway! They beat me!" Dwayne shrugs.
"Taylor, how do you feel about tonight?" asks Jeff.
"Well, I'm confident that the vote will go my way. I know it. Unless there is some idol business, I know what the deal is," answers Taylor.
"David, what do you think Taylor means by 'idol business'?" questions Jeff.
"Well, she is obviously talking about my little dude right here," grins David, reaching into his bag and grabbing his hidden immunity idol. He then places it around his neck.
"Avril, was it obvious information about this idol?" asks Jeff.
"Pretty much. Word gets around fast with this bunch, which is not always a good thing," nods Avril.
"Beyoncé, how do you feel going into tonight?" questions Jeff.
"Well, I feel like I'm aligned with everybody, and everybody isn't aligned with each other, so I'll admit that's a pretty good feeling. Yeah, there's no way that I'm leaving tonight," she claims.
"Well, with that, it is time to vote. Michael, you're up." The castaways each vote one by one.
"If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and you would like to play it, now would be the time to do so." The castaways all turn to David, who decides that he feels confident enough to not play his idol. "Okay. I'll read the votes. Person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. First vote, Dwayne. Next vote, Dwayne. Dwayne. Dwayne. Dwayne." Beyoncé could not be happier. Just one more vote and he has to go. "Beyoncé. Beyoncé. Beyoncé." Beyoncé begins to feel worried. Her feeling just went from a high to a low. "Beyoncé. Beyoncé. Tenth person voted out of Survivor Tahitian Island and third member of our jury, Beyoncé. Beyoncé, you need to bring me your torch."
"Should've known better," she mumbles to herself, grabbing her torch.
"Beyoncé, the tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go." Beyoncé walks out, leaning her head back in frustration.
"This is now the final ten. You have officially made the halfway point in this game. Congratulations! Head back to camp. Goodnight."
Beyoncé wills her Legacy Advantage to Taylor.

"Beyoncé wills her Legacy Advantage to Taylor

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