Law Scenario

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This is also a lemon.


"L-Law!" You cried out in shock , seeing the most emotion you've ever seen on the raven mutant's face as he struggled to force the clamped up door open, his face was sweaty and red, eyes thin silver slits, and looking absolutely feral.

Holy shit.

To put it simply, Law looked absolutely terrifying, and with the way the broken lights in the halls behind his back flashed ominously, it made his jaws gleam frighteningly as he panted hazardously, you melted under his stare, his eyes seemed to have glowed in contrast to his shadowed dark skin and the shadows that sparked around him.

"(Y/N).." Oh that was definitely not the Law you knew, his voice came out from somewhere deep and dark inside of the farthest parts of himself, sounding something straight out of a horror story where the antagonist was some demonic killer.

Once again Law abruptly made a shrill cry of anger as the door refused to comply to his strength alone, animalistic gaze never breaking from your's- as if it was some form of command or form of communication, you felt the fabric of your uniform cling onto your back with cold sweat as his frills began to rise.

That was not the Law you knew, that was something else, something you feared as something incredibly dangerous- and you needed to get the fuck out of there and run.

Something was definitely wrong here.

Snapping out of your paralyzed state, you anxiously searched the room for another way out as Law snarled and cried to you, apparently not appreciating that his weird eye-communication thing was severed, "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Come here! Come here!" Your nerves were dangling on edge as his voice became more and more frantic, sounding more and more alien to your ears.

With the fear running high in your veins, it was difficult to think rationally, however your ability to see and connect your sight to your brain wasn't completely lost, when you finally noticed the air duct crammed a ways above the power box, you felt the guardian angel watching over you sigh in relief.

Although, as you moved swiftly to the air duct and began to desperately yet calmly claw at it to break open, Law then understood your intentions and screamed in horror.

Jumping at the sound, your heart thundered and pounded anxiously against you chest, hearing some god awful mechanical screech behind your back, swirling your head to see what the raven was possibly doing to make such a noise, your face went deathly pale.

His frills were standing out on end now, and his eyes weren't just slits anymore, they were now nothing but strings of silky anguish as his scaled hands were now bending the metal doors- holy shit, it wouldn't be long at all for him to mangle it wide enough to let him through, "(Y/N)! Stop!"

It hurt you, it really did hurt to see Law like this, to hear him beg, it didn't sound like him at all, it didn't suit him, but even you knew that this was the time to get away- he wasn't acting like his usual cool-headed self, and that sent dozens of alarms blazing.

Law was never panicked before, and so you had no idea what he was capable of.

So ignoring the stupidly kind part of your brain, you moved as quickly as you could without losing your mind to terror, and with adrenaline fueling your fear stricken body, you shuffled into the air duct.

"No! Nooo!" Biting your lower lip at his pleas, you continued to clumsily crawl through the darkness as blind as a bat, with your only unhindered senses being your ears, you could only hear Law's disturbed wails as you slowly but surely made distance between you and him.

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