Chapter 2

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Grell was suddenly in front of me.

A startled sound escaped my chapped lips, and I stepped back. "Please, Grell, don't hurt me!"

But I knew asking him of that was like asking a non-smoker for a cigarette.

"Are you really asking me to do such a thing?" He said, his eyes widening in false shock.

"Just, spare me.." I was at my breaking point. I'm exhausted, parched, famished, and hurt.

"Now why would I do that~?"

"Because you know it's merciful... it's a kind thing to do... surely, you must have some good in you." My last sentence came out as more of a question. I highly doubted he had any good in him.

It was worth a shot though, right?

"You must be daft," He put emphasis on the word, "If you believe I'm going to spare your life. I'm a grim reaper, the best of them all, and my job is to take lives, not spare them!"

A grim reaper.

Tears welled in my ice blue eyes. "But... I'm so young!"

"That's what they all say." He rolled his eyes and started his chainsaw. "Now, we'll make this quick and easy, okay?"

"No!" I shook my head, taking more steps back.

"You're not getting off easy this time. I'm going to kill you." His voice sounded more serious than ever, and it alone scared the hell out of me.

He stepped forward. "How does decapitation sound?"

A single tear fell down my face, and I sunk to my knees.

He held his chainsaw close to my throat. I closed my eyes.

I sure hope decapitation doesn't hurt for long.

I waited for him to get it over with, to end my once pristine but now dreadful life.

But the pain never came. My head was still on my body. I peeked one eye open, and looked up at his feminine featured face.

He was staring at something in the distance behind me. He cocked his head, those red eyebrows of his knitting together as if he was confused.

I wanted to turn and look; to see what he's staring at, but with the rotating blades of his chainsaw ever so close to my throat, I was scared to move.

"What the hell is-" His sentence was cut off when he suddenly lurched backwards. His chainsaw flew back with him and landed to his side.

A tall, shadowy figure had knocked him away from me, and I silently thanked the mysterious presence and stood on my wobbly legs.

I watched as the shadow repeatedly slammed its fists against Grells face.

Grell shoved the figure off of him and into a ray of midday sun.

It was Lydia!

"A demon," Grell sneered, standing. "How wonderful." He spat.

"A reaper, how extravagant." She shot back.

Lydia was over a foot taller than him.

"Get the hell out of here, Sutcliff." She growled, her tangerine eyes narrowing as she glared at him.


"Because we are good opponents to each other. Think about it. If we were to fight, we would both end up killing one another."

Grell pouted. "But I want to kill her!" He focused his gaze back on me. I was standing behind Lydia, peering around her.

"You can kill her later. Now, leave us be."

Grell pouted even more and disappeared into the trees.

Lydia immediately bent down and cupped my cheeks. "Oh dear, are you alright?" Her voice genuinely sounded concerned.

I nodded, blushing. "Please, do not worry about me."

She realised how close we were and back away, placing her hands back down at her sides. "Did he get a chance to hurt you? I'm so sorry I showed up so late.. is your neck okay?"

"It's fine, he didn't get a chance to hurt me, Lydia. Calm down- wait, were you.. following me?" I looked into her immaculate eyes.

"Yes." She looked down for a second. "I was worried about you. Jane, you should have told me that a grim reaper was after you!"

My heart sped up a little. She was worried about me?

"Why is a reaper after you anyways? Are you due to die or something of the sort?"

I nodded. "Yes, I believe so..."

"Will you please tell me why?" Her voice softened a little, out of sympathy.

"Sit." I pointed to a log that was conveniently nearby.

She obediently sat down, looking up at me.

I sat down next to her and sighed. "I used to be the most well known girl, in all of Paris. I was invited to nearly every ball, and had every young man courting me."

She nodded.

"I don't remember when, but I definitely know it was before I was here.. where am I anyways?"

"You're in southern England." She answered.

"Oh..." England. "Like I was previously saying, I had captured the heart of any of the young blokes in all of Paris. I was either hosting or attending a ball every night, and I remember the final ball I ever attended. At the Hanseaux manor."

I paused, having no desire to continue.

"Go on." Lydia pressured, nudging my shoulder.

"There was a killer, at the ball. He had poisoned the alcoholic beverages being served."

"Then why didn't you die like everybody else?" She asked casually.

I glared at her. "I do not drink alcohol."


"Everybody at the ball was dead in a matter of minutes. I was the only person in attendance whom did not consume any alcohol. The murderer eventually showed himself, and it was my brother, Lars. I was so surprised at this, how could he.." My voice cracked. "How could he just.. kill everybody?!"

Lydia just frowned.

"He pulled out a pistol and pointed it at me." I wiped my watery eyes. "I'm positive he shot it, but all I remember is seeing him point it in my direction, and then I woke up here."

"You just, woke up and you were here?"

I nodded. "Yes. Grell was here with me, and he told me that I have to try and survive for as long as possible, and that's what I'm trying to do." My voice weakened. "But I'm worried that I won't be able to live much longer.

"I'll protect you." She suddenly said.


"I said I'll protect you, Jane. I will keep you safe."


"I don't want you getting hurt when I could've helped you, and I don't want you dying when I could've saved you. Grell is obviously making you play his game for his own amusement. He enjoys hunting you."

I shivered. "How can anybody enjoy hunting another?"

"There's something wrong with him," Lydia sighed. "Reapers aren't supposed to do activities such as this, it isn't allowed."

"How do you know?"

"I had to study the behaviour and habits of grim reapers when I first became a demon."

"I see. Is there any reason a reaper would do something like this?"

She shook her head.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I whimpered.

"I don't know, but I intend to find out." Lydia wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders. "Do not worry anymore. I am here for you, you have nothing to fear."

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