Chapter 3

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Nothing to fear.

Nothing to fear.

Nothing to fear.

Her words rung through my mind. Before I even noticed, I was staring off into the distance, those same words ringing through my head over and over.

She was wrong. She was so, so wrong.

I had everything to fear here. The darkness, Grell, the animals, even Lydia... if I say one wrong thing to her, I feel like she may kill me.


I wonder... if I were to die here, I may never be found. I'd rot here for centuries, a delicious decaying meal for bugs and scavengers.


That would be so awful. I shivered, imagining worms in my lungs and maggots in my mouth, eating my tongue.

Eating my tongue, maggots eating my tongue.


I jolted out of the trance I was in and my eyes snapped to her face, which was barely visible in the twilight. Time sure flew..

"Are you okay? You were kind of zoning out on me.."

"Y-Yes," I stuttered, looking away. I was immensely horrified at the thought of being dissolved in such a gruesome way.

"You sure?" Her worried tangerine eyes looked over my face.

I fell silent.


"Don't worry, I'm not 'zoning out' again. I'm just thinking about what would happen if I were to die here." I muttered, looking down at my cut up and bruised hands.

"You aren't going to die here!"

"Well what if you can't always be here?!"

"I'm going to try my best, Jane!"

"I'm sorry," I choked out. I didn't mean to start yelling at her; all she wants to do is protect me.

"I am too." Lydia smiled weakly at me.

I smiled in return. "It's kind of chilly tonight."

"Fire?" She asked from beside me, and as I looked up, she had already put together a bundle of sticks and had a small fire going.


"How did you do that so quick?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"I'm a demon, hello??" She said cockily, shooting me a smirk.

"Oh," I sighed, crouching down next to the growing fire. "Right."

Lydia stared into the large flames, nodding once. There was a glint in her eyes, as she watched the fire dance.

"Reminds me of home." She whispered, not looking up once. She didn't even blink.

"Of hell?" That was logical, I've heard that hell is all just fire, lava, and rock.

She nodded, still not averting her eyes from the fire.

"My job, in hell, is torturing souls and managing chemicals and elements. I like burning souls." She looked up and smiled sadistically at me.

I just stared at her.

"And the fire, it reminds me of home, of the pained screams and sizzling of flesh as it melted off of their pathetic human bones." She added.

I was starting to get nervous. "Why are you here, Lydia?"

She looked back into the fire, the creepy smile she had plastered on her tan face fading. "I.. I don't know.. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know how I got here.. I'm just as lost as you are, Jane."

The little spark of hope in me burnt out. I'm not getting out of here any time soon.

Lydia sighed. "You should get some sleep."

I nodded, just as a yawn escaped my mouth. I rested my head on her shoulder and quickly fell asleep.

Lydia's face was illuminated by the light of the fire, and she looked up into the dark trees, having no need for sleep, and she barely sensed the presence of two men.


In the embrace of the darkness, two figures stood, hidden from sight, and watched Lydia and Jane.

The second, taller figure pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose with the blades of his long garden prune. "So this is the two of them?"

Grell, whom was standing next to the figure, nodded. "That's right, Will. The smaller one, Marie Jane, is the one I'm trying to get!"

William glared at him. "You have yet to reap her soul? This would've taken any other reaper less than five minutes to complete."

The redhead whined. "She isn't easy to get, with that stupid demon guarding her like that!"

"Devilish fiends, those demons are." William grunted, his hatred of demons obvious in his words.

Grell ignored his last sentence and watched Jane, his beautiful yet dangerous eyes scanning over every inch of her body he could see.

"I'll handle the demon," William said, breaking the small moment of silence that had stirred up between them, "You get the girl. This is ridiculous, we could've had her soul a while ago, Grell."

"I'm sorry!"

He sighed apathetically. "Let's plan ahead for now. Demons don't sleep, so I'll have to keep a close eye on it. You can move in from behind, quietly, and take the human away. Once they're separated, the human won't stand a chance."

Grell nodded, and sunk back into the dark, William close behind.

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