the time where I could actually be my self
without worrying what I lookburrying myself in warm clothes
nothing tight to reveal my figurenot like the summer
the time where everybody cares what they look
worrying them self in tight revealing clothes
sun tan skin
no bruises
blonde locks
hourglass figure
beautiful enough with blue ocean eyes
but I represent the oppositei'm a winter child
pale plain white skin
dripped with cuts on lock
brown locks, white covered within' little snows
skinny unattractive figure
calm enough with chocolate brown eyes
and that's who I ami'm just a winter child who fell in love
with the blue ray tan of summer
- L
₂ : ² ³ a.m.
June /² ⁵/2018
➳ Just Some Thoughts ツ
Randomyou never know what wonders in your mind..., but you know, you'll forget soon enough. so write it down, speak it out loud, only for your ears to hear from the words that slipped from your mouth ...