(In the Past)
Aphmau's P.O.V
Everyone was asleep while I was outside the hall, arguing with Loki."What the hell do you mean?" I almost shouted. "I'm not leaving my friends! You just expect me to just leave?!"
Loki was obviously upset about this, "you leave you're friends, they won't die." He explained.
"Why should I even listen to you!?" I asked, verbally upset.
He gritted his teeth, "Haven't you forgotten that I am Loki. Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief!" He shouted. "If you value your friends lives, you'll leave them. Your father and I have some, unfinished business, ever since that event in New York."
I sighed in defeat, "Alright," I said in defeat. "I'll leave the few. Just don't hurt them."
Loki grinned, "Wise decision." And with that, he disappeared.
Tears fell, I didn't want to leave my friends, but I have too, to keep them safe.
I walked back inside the hall, to my room and grabbed my armor and I put it on, I packed a few things, food and other types of materials. Lastly I grabbed Mjölnir.
As I walked out I passed Sly's room, I got teary and walked into his room, I looked at him and softly kissed him, not waking him up.
I smiled a little then left a note, I then walked out, then outside.
I looked back at the hall and tears fell, I'll miss them, and the adventures we had together.
I put the wrist handle around my wrist and I spun Mjölnir in circles really fast in place and I let go and I flew away, leaving the few.
(Present Day)
Aphmau's P.O.V
It's been almost five years since I left the few, honestly I miss them, especially Sly.I hope they don't hate me, I left for a reason. Loki was forcing me, honestly, I still see him, in my dreams mostly.. I haven't spoke to my father in years, I know he's busy with Asgard, but I do miss him.
Thor, god of Thunder, my father. I kept this secret for years, with my other friends. Laurence and Garroth, I know they are fighting over me, it's kinda funny, but then again it makes me feel sad. Keeps me thinking of Sly more and more.
But if Thor found out that Loki is keeping me from the few, he was literally flip out, believe me, it's not pretty.
I sighed, I wish I could see my friends, and my dad.
I ended up reading a book when Katelyn called me, along with Kawaii~Chan.
"Aphmau! Come down here! We're going through our old junk and we're gonna get rid of things that we don't need!" Katelyn Shouted.
"Be right there!" I yelled back and got up, set my book down and walked downstairs.
The three of us walked into the basement and pulled out some boxes, and started to look through.
Katelyn was looking through her stuff while I did with mine.
"Katelyn~Sama? Is this yours?" KC asked. Katelyn walked over to KC and she saw a hammer.
"It's not mine. Aphmau?" Katelyn asked.
I walked over and saw the Mjölnir, and my Asgard armor. Shit! How do I tell them?!
"No, it's not mine." I simply said. I didn't want them to know I was Lady Thor..
"Well, if it's no ones, then I guess I'll take it." Katelyn said.
I was laughing a little in my head because no one else could lift the Mjölnir but me or Thor. Possibly Loki but, I'm not sure.
Katelyn tries to lift the hammer but failed. "What?" She asked as she tried to lift it again. "It won't budge!"
KC tried and she failed. I softly sighed, "Guess I'll take it." I said.
"I'm sure if we can't lift it, you can't." Katelyn said. As KC nodded.
I grabbed the hammer and lifted it up like it was nothing. "What are you talking about? This is very light.." I said, trying to keep my cover covered.
Katelyn was dumbfounded, "How can you—"
"Katelyn, this is just a regular hammer.." I said, setting Mjölnir down.
Katelyn shrugged it off, and kept looking through the box.
KC found some old pictures of me and the few. "Aphmau~Senpai? Is this you?" She asked giving me the photos.
I grabbed them quickly and looked through them, "This was my mother.." I lied, great Odin, I hated lying. I never met my mother before.
"Oh," Katelyn said. "Who are the others?"
I shrugged and put the pictures away. I found my box with my Asgardian armor, I put the pictures, and Mjölnir in the box and carried it up stairs and to my room.
Oh thank Odin! Thank you! I sighed in relief. I guess they bought the bait.
I picked up Mjölnir and looked at it. I smiled, it reminded me of dad a lot, I was with him during the battle with Loki in New York, and the Avengers, and the few.
If you didn't know, Sly was the son of Iron Man, Tony Stark. Steven, son of Green Lantern. Jose, son of Green Arrow. Alex, son of Clark Kent, Superman. Katz, was adopted by Cyborg, giving Katz armor to protect himself and others. (I know he's Batman beyond but I feel like Cyborg fits him well :3 ) PBat, son of T'Challa, Black Panther. Castor, son of Clint, HawkEye. And finally Kala, Daughter of Logan, the Wolverine.
Then there's me, Daughter of Thor the god of Thunder. My name is
Jessica Aphmau Odison
The Goddess Of Thunder

The Few She Left Behind (A Slymau Fanfic)
FanfictionAphmau, or known as Jessica, daughter of Thor the god of Thunder. Built a team called the few, they had many adventures together, they grew together, but then fate took its toll. Loki, Thor's brother had threatened Jess that if she left the few, he...