2. The Lion's Den

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Fuck Dom and his fucking sense of humor or maybe his hormones are to blame for this situation. It seems, when he heard Angel say she was going to the Lion's Den, he decided that's where we are going, too. I'm sure he decided it with his dick because he sure as hell wasn't considering me.

"I hate you." Scowling at him as he sits across from me with a very fake innocent smile, I down half the beer in front of me.

"No, you don't." He laughs and waves over at a group of people a few tables over. "You're going to thank me later. N'Angel might not be what you want but there's plenty of people here. At least one of them should strike your fancy."

"P'Ming! I thought you weren't going to come." Angel sidles into the seat next to me and leans as close as she can, showing off her ample assets in a low cut shirt. Her long, rich brown hair hangs loosely on either side, framing the rounded breasts. She runs the tips of her fingers up my arm with an inviting smile. "I'm so glad you changed your mind."

Dom is right. A week ago, I would have been flirting right back and probably had her flat on her back or bent over a table by the end of the night. It's obvious that is what she's hoping for, probably thinking it would reel me into being her boyfriend. It's no secret, I am well aware, that I'm considered quite the catch, last year's Campus Moon, rich, good family, and excellent grades. It's like I'm a fucking prize, a trophy, they want to latch onto and show off to all their friends, when I stop to think about it. How sick is that?

"I didn't change my mind," I answer her coldly and remove her hand from my arm. Her shocked look is almost laughable. I doubt she has had anyone turn her down before. With a wry smirk, I glare over at Dom. "I'm going to get another drink. "

"Don't get lost," Dom says, shaking his head before turning to talk to Angel with a flirtatious smile. He's a fairly handsome guy with passable stats so she might switch her targets. I wish him luck since he seems eager to be caught.

The club is busy with people talking, drinking, and dancing to music booming out of several speakers around the dance floor. Luck is with me when one of the patrons at the bar decides to move as I approach so I quickly slide into the abandoned barstool and lean my elbows on the polished wooden surface of the bar.  

"What can I get you?" One of the bartenders half yells over to me when I manage to get his attention. I order another beer like before and he gives a nod. As the bartender sets down the bottle and I hand him the money, somebody stumbles into me, almost knocking me out of my seat.

"Damn! I'm so sorry! You okay?" The guy shouts at me, his hands pulling on my arm to help right my position. He gives a nasty look over his shoulder and yells, "Ai'Pha, you fucking buffalo, stop stalking n'Wayo and look where you're going! You about shoved me into this guy's lap!"

"But, ai'Kit, look at the photo he posted!" The much taller man, who reminds me of someone but I'm not sure who, holds up his phone to show a familiar picture of a small hand petting a black and tan kitten. He gives a besotted smile with his eyes twinkling even in the dim light. "So cute!"

"You're hopeless! It doesn't even show the kid's face. It never shows his face." The guy gives a loud sigh of resignation and I notice that he's much shorter than me with red tinted hair, an uncommon color for here. I wonder if it's natural or if he dyes it. Which ever, it really suits him. What the hell am I thinking??

"Why is your friend drooling over a picture of my cat?" I lean close to the ginger's ear so he can hear me clearly without shouting. The man startles and faces me, our noses brushing at the close proximity. An intriguing blush blooms on his cheeks and gets deeper when he realizes that he's still holding my arm. Jumping back, it takes him a moment to register what I've said.

"Your cat?" He tilts his head to study me and looks back at his friend and then back to me. "That's your cat?"

"Yes, ai'Yo took that picture the other day when he stopped by to visit."

"You know n'Wayo?!" His shout has his friend's head whipping up from his phone to stare at me.

"Who are you and how do you know my Wayo?!" The tall man demands as he steps forward into a bit better light.

"Holy shit! P'Phana? Is that you?" Stunned, I stand up and take a closer look, taking in the overly handsome features and strong form. "It is you! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Do I know you?" Raising an eyebrow, he looks at me from head to toe. It's been over two years and I've changed quite a bit since we last saw each other. Plus, we didn't exactly run in the same circles. The only reason I know him is because of my best friend's absolute obsession with his beloved p'Pha.

"Your n'Ming, aren't you? N'Wayo's friend." The shorter man says from beside us, his eyes wide. There's something in the way he looks at me but I can't decipher it. It's not a bad feeling. It makes me feel warm and sends a strange tingle over my skin. I want to get closer.

"That's right," I answer him with a delighted smile, happy that he recognizes me. Focusing on him, my eyes rove over his smooth skin and cute face. My smile widens as I realize who this adorable person is. If Pha was Wayo's obsession, this person was mine. He's changed even more than I have but I still know who he is. "Hello, p'Kitkat."

"Fuck, not that name," Kit moans, smacking a hand over his face with the blush resurfacing. "I'm not the same chubby kid anymore."

"I never called you that because of your weight," I wink at him and he glares back at me. It is so freaking cute, like an annoyed kitten. I can almost see his tail swishing behind him.

"N'Ming? You're n'Ming? Is n'Wayo with you? Is he here?" Pha calls our attention back to him as his eyes frantically search the crowd.

"He's not here, p'. His faculty had some kind of event tonight so he couldn't come with us." Tired of trying to talk over all the noise, I down the last of my drink and motion for the two to follow me. "There's a 24 hour cafe down the street near campus. Let's go there and talk."

Phana eagerly agrees and practically pushes me towards the exit with Kit following behind us. It makes me wonder what happened to their friend, Beam. Back in high school, the three were always together. Maybe I'll ask when we talk at the cafe.


Day 2 Part 2
Say hello to our cute af KitKat and the ever Yo-obsessed Phana, but where has Beam disappeared to? 
Tell me honestly, my dearest readers, who is your favorite among the crazy Doc Gang?
Any guesses on where the elusive Beam might be?
Any guesses on what happened to the Doc Gang after high school?

*See? I said you wouldn't have to wait long for the update. ;)

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