5. Take Responsibility

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I must have fallen asleep because I’m having the most delicious dream of Kitkat kissing me. His warm body is pressing on top of me and his plush lips nibble at mine. Fuck, I really did die and go to heaven. I hold him tighter and open my mouth, inviting him in to play with my tongue. It’s hot and wet and wonderful. I could kiss him all day and not be tired of it. He shifts and moans at the feel of our bodies rubbing together. That seems to have been the wake-up call. With a startled yelp, he rolls off of me and all the way off the bed, landing with another yelp.


“Are you okay?” This is not a dream. This is so much better! P’Kit kissed me! He kissed me! He kissed me! My Kitkat kissed me of his own free will.

“Yes,” was the grumpy answer I got so I look over the edge of the bed to find a pouting p’Kit whose skin is the color of a tomato. He won’t look at me. “I was… It… um… uh, good morning?”

“Good morning, p’.” I laugh and reach out to grab the collar of his shirt, or my shirt, and pull him close to softly peck his lips. “A very good morning. I like the way you wake me up.”

“Pervert,” he mumbles but I can see the small smile.

“I’m not the only one. Remember, I woke up to you kissing me.”

“Let me go, you crazy idiot!” He growls at me when I pull him back onto the bed and wrap him in my arms.

“No.” My definitive answer shocks him and he stops trying to pull away from me. “You are the one that cuddled into me during the night and you are the one that kissed me awake. You must take responsibility for your actions, p’Kit.”

“Responsibility?! What do you mean I have to take responsibility? I was more than half asleep when I rolled into you and still mostly asleep when I kissed you.” He tries to defend himself but I’m not letting him weasel out of this. I want p’Kit for myself and I’m not above talking him into a corner to get him there.

“What were you dreaming when you cuddled and locked me with your arm and leg? You even called my name? What were you dreaming when you kissed me?” I raise my eyebrow at him and wait for an answer.

“I was… It was…” He sighs in defeat, not wanting to tell me the answer, and pouts. The evidence is against him and he knows it. It's best to give in and make us both crazily happy. “Fine. I’ll take responsibility.”

“Good!” Giving a quick kiss to his pouty lips, I hop off the bed. “Let’s get cleaned up and get some breakfast then. I’m starving and I’m sure my lovely boyfriend could use something to eat, too.”

“Boyfriend?” Kit’s eyes get comically wide but there isn’t a bit of disgust or dislike at the thought that I can see. It is more of a ecstatic panic.

“Yes, my very cute, cuddly, and grumpy boyfriend. You said you’d take responsibility so please be my boyfriend, na?” When he remains silent, I sit down on the end of the bed and give him a serious look. It needs to be clear and it needs to be mutual. “I won’t force you, p’Kit. It’s up to you but I really hope you’ll say yes.”

He’s still silent so I stand back up and take some clothes into the bathroom. When I come back out, Kit is already dressed and runs into the bathroom without looking up. I think I pushed him too much, asked for too much too soon. I know it’s fast but I don’t want to miss this chance again. I don’t want to regret not telling him.

“I can take you back to your dorm, if you want,” I offer quietly and walk towards the door, stashing my wallet and keys in my pocket.

“Yes,” Kit says quietly as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and buries his face in my back. I stop. Everything in me stops… for him.


“Yes.” Kit smiles up at me showing his perfect, adorable dimples. It's the smile that stole my heart.

---------------------a/n-That's it

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That's it. That's the end.
Hope everyone enjoyed.
See you when I write again! 😘

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