4. Cuddled with a Kitten

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***Warning: Mild self-love smut ahead - you have been warned!***

The movie date was perfect. We fought over the best way to make popcorn, argued the finer points of the movie's special effects, and debated who was really the strongest Avenger. I never had so much fun and watching Kit's expressive face showing all his emotions is addictive.

"It's really late. Do you mind if I stay over? I'm too tired to go back to my dorm?" Kit asks with a big yawn and sleepy half-closed eyes as he pets my kitten that's asleep on his lap.

"Let me get you a change of clothes." Eager for him not to change him mind, I run to grab him a pair of drawstring shorts and a tee shirt. "You can shower first. There's also an extra toothbrush in the top drawer."

"Thanks, n'Ming." Carefully setting the kitten down on it's bed, he accepts the clothes and stumbles towards the bathroom. When the door shuts, I fall back on my bed with a groan.

"Calm down, Ming. You have to stay calm." The water turns on and my mind immediately registers that there is a naked Kit in my bathroom. A naked, wet Kit who will be sleeping in my room with me tonight, alone. "Oh fuck... NO! Not fuck! Don't think about THAT!"

A short while later, Kit comes out and sets his crumpled clothes on the dresser. There are no words to describe how adorable he looks in my clothes, which are way too big for him. The fact that he's wearing them gives me an oddly possessive sort of satisfaction and now I understand why those sappy lakorns are always going on about it.

"Aren't you going to take your shower?" Kit's question breaks into my reverie and I jump up.

"Yes!" Grabbing sleepwear for myself, I quickly lock myself in the bathroom. The steam from his shower still lingers in the air with the scent of my soap and shampoo and it brings my thoughts back to the naked Kit that was just in here, who now probably smells like me as if I marked him and I really like that thought... too much. The ache in my pants is real.

Stripping down, I walk into the shower and turn the water on. The warmth hits my skin and runs down my body in relaxing rivulets, dripping over my hardened flesh. If this keeps up, I won't be able to keep my hands to myself. Soaping up my hands, I run them down my body to where I need to touch the most, thinking of Kit's soft-looking skin and his delicious mouth that I so badly want to kiss. A knot coils in my belly as the heat pools with each stroke. Slapping a hand over my mouth, I catch the moan before it can escape and continue to slide over my flesh, over and over, my back falling against the wall. My hand moves faster, my breath in pants, and I want to scream Kit's name. Wave after wave of pleasure hits me and I slide down to sit on the floor of the shower as the water rinses away the evidence.

After I catch my breath, I stand and quickly finish washing up. Hopefully, I haven't been in here a suspicious amount of time. The sight of the extra toothbrush in the cup next to mine makes me pause and there's a flutter in my heart. He's only been back in my life for a matter of hours and I'm already this crazy over him. What's it going to be like in a week? A month? A year? The power that shorty has over me scares and excites me.

I leave the bathroom a little while later to find Kit curled up on one side of my bed fast asleep with my kitten curled up by his tummy. It is the sweetest thing I've ever seen and I grab my phone to take several pictures, trying not to wake either of them. These are not pictures that I will share with anyone. They are for my personal viewing only. No one else needs to know how cute my Kitkat can be.

Seeing his rolled up clothes, I shake them out and fold them neatly so he has something to wear tomorrow. He could wear my clothes again but I doubt he will agree to it. I walk over to the bed and carefully move the blankets to cover him up and turn out the lights before sliding in on the other side. There's no use in trying to sleep. It's not going to happen, so I lay on my back with one arm tucked behind my head and stare pointlessly at the ceiling.

"N'Ming, did you come to bed?" A sleepy voice asks me and Kit rolls over to look at me bleary eyed. I'm not sure if he's really awake as he yawns and smacks his lips together. Shit, he's too fucking adorable right now! Scooting closer, he leans his head on my shoulder and throws an arm around my waist like I'm his favorite body pillow. "Night."

What the hell just happened?! Did Kit really just cuddle up to me or am I dreaming? Did I die? Fuck it! Dream, death, or reality, I'm not wasting it. Moving my arm from under Kitkat, I wrap it around him and pull him flush up against me. He gives a contented sigh and a leg joins his arm over top of me. Running my free hand gently through his hair, I lightly kiss his forehead and whisper, "Sweet dreams, my Kitkat."


Day 4 - Part 4
Ming is getting some serious KitKat time!
And his hand got some fun times as a result.  LOL!
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A little smutty, a lot of sweet, add in a dash of adorable kitten cuddles and it's a recipe to make a Ming-Kit 'shipper's heart explode... watch out for flying gushy red stuff! If it comes into contact with your skin, you will immediately find yourself drawn to grumpy, squishy kitties and have an unquenchable desire for KitKat bars.

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