Chapter 3

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Mark's POV

I sit in my usual seat in the library and take out two of my psychology textbooks.  I grab my notebook and get started on scribbling down some notes.  My homework assignment, as usual, is huge.  After answering 5 questions I start to doodle on my paper.  Not anything in particular.  Just flowers around my paper.  After nearly littering my paper in flowers someone takes a seat across from me.  The library is usually full so I'm not surprised until the person speaks up and I instantly know who it is "Those flowers are really pretty."
I look up to see Chanyeol.  I nod.  He lays his arms on the table and leans forward "Are you an art major?"
"Nope..  Just psychology."
"Ooo that means our jobs go along with each other!"
"I want to be one of those guys who investigates murder cases."
He says his eyes glowing.  When he's talking about something he likes I swear he gets 5 times cuter then before.  "Oh..  I thought you were a photography major at first?"
"Nope.  I like to take photos, though."
"Of course.  You showed them to me yesterday."
Why is it so easy to talk to him? "Yeah.  A lot of the time criminals have psychological problems."
"Of course."
"So I have to take a psychology course as well.  Only for about 2 years, though."
I perk up and he continues "I really like psychology.  Its interesting how some people could be so messed up.  I like seeing how it actually happens in the brain."
"Me too."
I grin a wide grin that I just can't tug off my face "I've been aiming to be a psychologist since 5th grade."
"I've always wanted to work in the CIA after all those movies I watched as a kid and all those mystery books I read.  I don't remember ever not figuring out who the killer was."
"Wow..  That's amazing.  I always got it wrong because I thought too hard on it."
He chuckles a low chuckle and looked at me with a tint of admiration in his eyes "So, are you a freshman?"
"I'm actually a sophomore."
"Oh cool, where did you come from."
"America.  Isnt it obvious by the name?"
"Good point."
The librarian came around and grabbed an energy drink out of Chanyeol's hand that I didn't notice was even in there "No drinks in the library."
She snaps as Chanyeol pouts "I didn't know!"
"The rules are listed right outside the library.  How do you miss it?!"
"I didn't look at it, I just kinda walked in."
"Next time don't bring foods or drinks into the library."
"I won't do it again."
He says as he slowly grabs his energy drink back and takes a drink. 

The librarian glares at him "Finish it.  Outside."
He grabs my hand and pulls me outside, my homework being left in the library.  "Chanyeol.  I need my homework."
"I'll finish my Redbull first, then we'll go back in."
He says as he leans against the wall, still holding my hand.  He probably forgot he was holding it in the first place.  He takes a big drink of his Redbull and says "I don't understand why we can't have drinks in the library."
"Because it could fall on the books or the computers."
"But what about coffee.  They serve that in the library."
Chanyeol marched to the rule sheet, still gripping onto my hand and read through the rules, occasionally drinking his Redbull.  "See it says coffee is aloud.  Coffee stains more then Redbull does."
"Coffee is like a necessity to focus."
"Redbull is too!"
"Not really.  Redbull makes you more hyper then focused.  Coffee is just for waking you up."
"Redbull is for waking you up too."
"Chanyeol.  It isn't early in the morning.  I think you're awake."
He sighs and finishes his Redbull, tossing it in the garbage can.  "MARK!"
I hear Jackson scream at me "Yes?"
I ask, kind of annoyed "I'm trying to do homework."
"Then why are you outside?"
"Why aren't you at baseball practice?"
"Why are you holding Chanyeol's hand."
"I'm not holdin..  Wait."
I literally forgot I was holding Chanyeol's hand.  I instantly pulled my hand back "No reason, Jackson."
"Its okay, Mark.  I got a picture."
"Did I say Jackson?  More like Jacksoon to be DEAD!"
I run after him and he just runs away, sending Sehun the picture "Jackson, no."
"Jackson, yes."
"Don't you dare share that, mister!"
"Sucks for you I already DID!"
I shreik "Jackson!"
He just laughs and runs away.  Jesus.  I'm going to die from public humiliation.

Chanyeols POV

I chuckle at Mark and look in the library "I wonder when he'll get his stuff."
I hear Baekhyun yell as he runs up to me, saxophone in hand "Baekhyun?  You ran all the way over here?"
"YES!  Sehun sent me a picture!"
"What about jazz band?"
"This is more important than jazz band."
He played a little lick on his saxophone and looked back at me "So?  You fell for him?"
"What are you talking about."
"Mark.  Duh."
"Mark is pretty chill."
"You held his hand??"
"I didn't want him to run off into the library."
"But Chan.  Yeol.  You held his hand."
"Shut up, Baekhyun."
"Our whole friend group knows now."
"What how?"
"I told you.  Sehun took a picture.  He sent it to everyone."
I say with little to no enthusiasm.  "Okay, bro.  Imma give you a pep talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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