Chapter Two

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The snow crunched under my feet as the cold bit at my skin. Shuddering slightly I pulled my coat closer towards me and rubbed my hands together, blowing on them, trying to get some warmth flowing. The sudden unexpected weather had come in last night and I had a suspicious feeling it had something to do with the Capitol. I didn’t put it past them to be able to control the weather at some degree. It felt like they were preparing us for something. For what, I wasn’t sure.

My entire world was grey, the bleakest colour on the spectrum. There was a tugging feeling in my gut, as if something major was about to happen. It had my nerves on edge and I couldn’t stop the twitching of my fingers as I strode into the heart of District 7, intent on buying a fresh loaf of hot bread.

There were people milling about and I struggled against the rising irritation I felt against them. They were literally standing in the middle of the streets while the snow whirled against them, doing nothing to try and get to cover. I shook my head at a woman who was shivering from the cold, feeling no sympathy, and hurried to the baker’s shop. The smell emanating from this store was indescribable. It smelt like happiness and love rolled into one. A grin formed on my face.


I stepped into the warm bakery and closed my eyes, letting out a quick sigh. It was perfect in here. It was quiet except for the background noise of the TV that was hanging on the wall behind the counter. Still smiling, I went over to the display case that was showing off all the wonderful delicacies and delights. There were loaves of hot bread everywhere. And cakes. Beautiful cakes that had been decorated with all sorts of intricate designs. My eyes wandered over the different colours; red, blue, black. Suddenly I spotted a small cupcake hiding behind what looked like a wedding cake (maybe for the Capitol) which had a Mockingjay design iced on the top. Anger rose in my veins like wildfire and I gritted my teeth. How was this allowed in a baker’s shop? How have they not been caught and flogged by now? This was definitely against the rules.

“Johanna! What a lovely surprise!” I looked up to see Mr Lockman (the owner of the store) smiling with all his teeth. I returned it albeit slightly thin lipped. “I haven’t seen you in here in a long time.”

“Yeah, well, I figured it was time to buy another loaf of Mr Lockman’s famous hot bread,” I replied, looking back down at the discriminating cupcake. I hesitated. “Mr Lockman… you do know that you could get into a lot of trouble for that pastry, right?” The smile on the elderly man’s face disappeared as he leaned over the counter to see which one I was talking about.

“Ah,” was all he said. I stared at him.

“You’re supporting something that could potentially start an all-out riot,” I pointed out bluntly. “Katniss Everdeen is a trouble maker.” Mr Lockman gave me a piercing look to which I frowned at.

“I’m surprised at you Miss Mason. I thought you of all people would second the rebellion against the Capitol.” My eyebrows shot up and slight fear raised its ugly head.

“Mr Lockman! Keep your voice down!” I hissed glancing over my shoulder. There was one other person in the store near the back, eating a sandwich. He didn’t appear to have heard but I couldn’t take any chances.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s deaf as a post,” Mr Lockman waved a hand.

“You know the Capitol has other ways of finding out their information!” my voice was getting slightly high and I struggled to bring it back down. “Especially about this. President Snow will be seeking out anyone supporting this… this rebellion.”

“The Games have made you afraid Johanna. I remember when you would have done anything to take a shot against the Capitol.”

His words felt like a bullet to the chest. Icy anger and fear spread throughout my veins so that my heart was racing. I was…hurt by what he said. Leaning over the counter, I got so close to the man’s face I could feel his warm breath against my skin. I mustered the most deadly glare I could and jabbed him in the chest over his white apron.

Glory Fades (Hunger Games Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now