Chapter One

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A/N: The wonderful cover was made by loverumi.


The muscles in my arms and shoulders screamed at me as I pulled back the axe and swung it down again. The blade cut through the wood cleanly, leaving two halves. The smell of wet wood filled my nostrils and I sighed, closing my eyes, letting the scent clear my mind. The forest was silent, aside from the continuing sound of axes cutting through wood. There were at least ten other District 7 workers lined up next to me, all of their muscles straining at the hard labour. Don’t get me wrong, compared to other districts, like 12, we have it easy. Great in fact. Not quite Capitol, but it wasn’t awful. And we weren’t starving.

The sudden song of a Mockingjay pierced through the silence and I looked up into the green foliage, trying to spot the beautiful bird. I found it on a branch nearby. It appeared to be observing our work and I frowned slightly. The Capitol had created these creatures by mating jabberjays and mockingbirds. I didn’t trust them. I didn’t trust anything manufactured by the Capitol. I observed the bird further, and my dislike deepened. Not only did the Capitol create this bird, but Katniss Everdeen seemed to have adopted it as her token. The Girl on Fire, I thought bitterly.

“Five minutes!” The Peacekeeper overseeing the chopping of the wood barked. His voice was harsh and I grimaced. I hated the Peacekeepers just as much as I hated the Capitol… and Katniss Everdeen. With a sigh of relief, I dropped the axe with a loud clump, and stood up straight, groaning as my back complained. I stretched and flicked my brown hair off of my slick forehead. I was sweating in places I never thought you could sweat from. I felt disgusting.

As I gathered up my chopped wood, I reflected on how grateful I was that I had been handling an axe my entire life. I knew that if I hadn’t, I would be finding this work extremely challenging. District 7… we are the district of lumber, which we provide for the Capitol. Without my skills to wield an axe, I would never have won the 71st Hunger Games and for that, I am grateful.

The people around me started walking in line, back to the lumber mills, holding their piles of cut wood. I stepped into place, ignoring the wide berth everyone else gave me. Ever since winning the Games, people treated me differently. It was to be expected, but it still got on my nerves. Ahead, two Peacekeepers led us to the mills and we walked in silence. One wrong move and the Peacekeepers would have our throats.

“Mason!” I looked up to see a Peacekeeper glaring down at me. I realised I’d stopped walking and I bit my lip, staring defiantly back at the evil man. I couldn’t see his eyes as they were covered by a black visor. Peacekeepers wore traditional white helmets, with a matching white uniform. By his side a baton was strapped and I eyed it warily. I’ve seen them use it before. It doesn’t happen often in District 7 but I’ve seen what happens in other districts. Although, I doubt they would attack a former Victor. Too much outrage from the Capitol.

“Yes?” I asked. We stared at each other for a moment more. I was aware of other people watching but I wasn’t going to back down. No way.

“Get back in line,” the Peacekeeper said finally, turning back around to bark more orders. I let out a breath and tried to calm my pounding heart. Getting back in line, I was eager to be rid of the wood so I could head back home to the Victor’s Village. After winning the Games, Victor’s had a special place to live. The houses were considerably nicer than the rest of District 7 but it was lonely. Not many people from District 7 win the Hunger Games. I also had no family left to live with me so I was on my own most of the time. Loneliness was the only reason I went to work chopping wood. Being a Victor meant I was stupidly rich and I didn’t have to do what every other person in District 7 did every day. I only chose to go to work as a distraction.

Glory Fades (Hunger Games Fan Fiction) (GirlxGirl) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now