Volume 1, Chapter 8. The Dream and the burden pt 2

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*Open with (Y/n) in his normal clothes, readying his katana at the growling creature in the cage. All his teammates except Weiss cheer.

Yang: "Come on (Y/n)! show it who's boss!" she cheered

Blake: "Fight well" she said while waving a small flag saying RWBY

Ruby: "Yeah, represent Teeeam RWBY!"

(Y/n) thoughts: "Okay, so i know i can fight these things, just like in Emerald Forest. Just keep calm, stay focused and don't give in to fear".

Port: "Alllright! Let the match.....begin!" He take out his axe and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk inside, which immediately charges at (Y/n).

begin!" He take out his axe and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk inside, which immediately charges at (Y/n)

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He rolls to the side, avoiding the attack. He then jumps back on his feet and looks at the Grimm, planning where to strike.

Ruby: " Hang in there, (Y/n)! we believe in you!" she cheered along with Yang and Blake. (Y/n) they runs towards the oncoming Boarbatusk. He points his blade forward and aims to strike it in the head, but he looses grip on it when he suddenly feels a pain in his head, leading to the Grimm smashing into him and leaving him defenseless.

 (Y/n) ran towards his weapon but got cut off by the beast and it slammed into him, sending him back a couple feet. He looked up to see it charging towards him, but he rolled to the side and rushed to his blade, picking it up and turned it into his Gauntlet form, firing the grapple at its feet. It lands a direct hit and he then starts to run around it, tying its legs together before falling to the floor. (Y/n) then jumps on his and cuts the rope off before turning the gauntlet back into a katana.

???: "Finish it, give in to your dark side and show the whole of Beacon your a force to be recon with" he heard in his head.

(Y/n): "Never!" he then got off it and walked up to Professor Port. "Professor, i would like Weiss to have her go now" he said, instantly getting Weiss' attention. "I would also like to see Professor Ozpin please, if you would let me".

Port: "Of course! Now, Miss.Schnee! please get ready to take on the beast!" he said while (Y/n) went to the door.

*A couple minutes later*

Weiss was now back in her regular attire, reading her Myrtenaster at the growling Grimm still trapped by (Y/n) grapple rope.

Port: "And begin!" he said while cutting the rope, causing the creature to instantly get up and charge Weiss. She used Myrtenaster to deflect its attack and roll to the side, readying herself for its next move. The Grimm stands a distance away from its enemy, studying her.

Port: "Ha-ha! wasn't expecting that, were you?"

Weiss is now speeding towards the oncoming Boarbatusk, sticking her blade straight at its skull until they meet and myrtenaster is trapped in the beast's tusks. Weiss is still hanging on to the hilt, and is tossed around as she struggles to get the rapier back.

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