Volume 1, Chapter 10. (Y/n) vs Cardin

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*3rd person POV*

After Professor Oobleck's class, Cardin and (Y/n) headed to the auditorium to have a fight. They changed into their regular attire and grabbed their weapons. Weiss told the rest of her team and they came as quickly as they could. They knew this wouldn't end well. 

Glynda: "The match between Cardin Winchester and (Y/n) (L/n) is about to begin!" She said before walking over to (Y/n), who is firmly grabbing his katana. "Remember your training. Keep a level head and if you feel like you'll change, give me a signel". He nodded at her and she walked off stage.

Pyrrha: "Please Professor! Stop them from fighting, what if he changes!"

Glynda: "Don't worry, he knows what he's doing. And if he does change, I got this". She then takes out a metal box with speakers in it. "We've learned that the thing inside him is weakened by high pitched sounds". Team RWBY and JNPR just looked at her with concern, they weren't doubting her, but they still didn't want them to fight.

Glynda: "Let the match...... Begin!" she shouted. Immediately Cardin rushed towards (Y/n), who just stood there watching his every move.

Cardin then raised his mace and swung at (Y/n), but dodged it by ducking then punching him in the side, making Cardin grunt. (Y/n) then jumped into the air and aimed his Katana at Cardin, then swung down only for Cardin to block it with his mace and use his other arm to punch (Y/n) in the face.

Cardin: "Is that all you got Eco freak? I thought you would have some surprises for me" he said while rushing towards him again.

(Y/n): "I'm only getting started!" he yelled while sliding under his mace. He the looked at his Katana's hilt to see the button to change it into a gauntlet, but noticed another button on the base.

(Y/n): "A 3rd mode?" looks at Cardin who is once again rushing towards him. "Lets see what is it". He presses it and his Katana turns into a small pistol.

 He presses it and his Katana turns into a small pistol

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(I know that's the Scatter gun, but yours is different. It's the size of a pistol, doesn't have the Red ammo on the top and instead of the Yellow part, it's purple.)

(A/n): Don't worry, you'll get the proper Morph Gun with all the modes later. COUGH COUGH spoilers COUGH.

(Y/n): "Oh sweet, a gun!". He then aims and fires a shot at Cardin, which sends him back. He then looks next to the pump to see a little switch saying 'Kill mode' and 'Combat mode'.

(Y/n): "Thank god it was on Combat mode". He then changed it back to Katana mode and ran towards Cardin. Cardin then swung his mace at him again, but he slides onto his knee, barely missing it and jumps back up and kicks Cardin in the back off the leg, causing him to fall.

(Y/n): "Want anymore surprises? Cause I got plenty more". Cardin the laughed and quickly side kicks (Y/n) which makes him fall over. Cardin gets up and quickly kicks (Y/n) weapon out his hand, he then swings his mace down but (Y/n) rolls to the side and gets up. Cardin the swings his mace repetitively at (Y/n), who keeps dodging them until Cardin makes a successful blow, sending (Y/n) to the other side of the arena.

Cardin: "Come on Eco freak, use you powers. Oh wait you can't can you" he laughed. (Y/n) twitched a little but quickly calmed down. He then dashed towards his weapon but Cardin swung his mace, aiming to hit his face. (Y/n) then did a front flip over it and rolled to his weapon.

Ruby: "AWESOME! DID YOU SEE THAT!" she yelled in excitement.

Jaune: "Even though this fight is a bad idea, (Y/n) is really showing his skills".

Cardin then swung his mace again, this time aiming for the top of his head. (Y/n) quickly changed his weapon to Gauntlet mode and grappled to the ceiling, pulling himself up into the air. Cardin then moved his mace a little and strikes (Y/n) in the chest, making the grapple fall out the ceiling and send him flying across the arena until he smashed into the wall.

Cardin: "This is to easy. I thought I was he to fight the Eco freak. But instead I'm fighting this pussy". He then grabbed (Y/n) by the throat and threw him into the air and hits him with his mace like he was a baseball, sending him to other side of the Arena.

Cardin: "Damn, if your Father was alive and your Mother didn't abandon you, i'm sure they would be very disappointed in you. They would probably be wanting me as a son, but then again, they would probably want me anyway since i'm not an Eco freak.

(Y/n) then felt an urge go through his body. A urge of anger and wanting to hurt someone, but he resisted it. There was no way he was going to let Cardin find out he's the Eco killer. He then spat out some Dark Eco onto the floor.

Cardin: "Had enough? If you beg I won't humiliate you further" he laughed.

(Y/n) thoughts: "If I keep going like this, I most certainly will change. But I am not ending this match without kicking his ass". He got up, using his katana to help himself up.

(Y/n): "I..... I can do this.... All day!" he said pointing his katana at Cardin.

Cardin: "Well, lets see if you mean that". Cardin the raised his mace and swung at (Y/n), but (Y/n) defected it with his katana and went to strike his side. But Cardin quickly turned and hit his hand, making him drop his sword, then strikes him in the face with his mace. He flew back into the area wall and fell to the floor. (Y/n) tried to get up but was to weak too, he then collapsed on the floor unconscious.

*End Chapter 10*

(A/n): Sorry for this one being sort. I really suck when It comes to fights, but I promise you, that next time they fight, (Y/n) will use his Dark powers.

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