Chapter 3

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Throwing the doors open, I headed towards the administration office. The sound of them banging shut behind me, a pleasant sound to hear. A sound that let them all know that I was back.

I had been gone for a long while and because of that, I had to go through our school's system the old fashioned way- unlike my fellow peers. They could just waltz right on to their classes, as they had their schedules emailed to them.

But hey, a reason to be late, right. Or as late as one can be since I'm a whole fucking hour early.

Walking into the office, a fairly old woman sat behind the desk with the phone pressed to her ear. The sound of the office door opening, causing her to glance up at me with a sweet smile, and then motioning for me to wait.

I carried on towards the desk, as the corners of my lips twitched up into a small smile. Leaning against it, I waited for her to finish up her call, while I took in the rest of the office.

The room was large, with a massive wooden front desk. The walls painted a soft yellow while the carpeted floor was a muted colour. Three red chairs stood along the wall near the front desk, while another three stood against the far wall, between two wooden doors.

Each door had a plaque on it, one that read Principal and another that read Vice-Principal. Two doors that I was very used to seeing and walking through, as I lived up to the title given to me.

"Mrs. Clark, the school year has just begun. What is there to complain about?" Mrs. Johnson – the school secretary asked, rolling her eyes.

At the mention of Mrs. Clark, I perked up and glanced over at the woman before me, with her light complexion and angular face. She had a straight nose, a pair of piercing hazel eyes and thin lips. Her greying black hair was always tied up in a bun atop her head.

This the making of what we all assumed to be a stern woman, but I knew better.

Although her seemingly stern demeanor, Mrs. Johnson was one of the few people in this school, and godforsaken city, that didn't judge me based on my family, their reputation or the deeds that I've done. That's something that meant a lot to me.

"Yes, I understand but nothing of note has happened yet," Mrs. Johnson spoke again.

The sound of Mrs. Clark on the other side of the phone could be heard fairly clearly from where I stood. Looking on in amusement, I reached over and grabbed a piece of paper and pen off Mrs. Johnson's desk, before I started doodling upon it.

"Again, I understand, but even as a benefactor of the school, you're not entitled to that information," Mrs. Johnson continued in a stern voice, while glancing up at the ceiling, as if it held the answers.

I frowned at this, interested in what Mrs. Clark could be requesting. And wondering why she was phoning the school on the first day, when school hadn't even started yet.

Rolling my eyes at the woman's insanity, I continued to mess on the page before me.

"Mrs. Clark, I am sorry but I cannot send you that information. Please do call if there is an urgent matter, good day." Mrs. Johnson said with some finality in her voice, before she slammed the phone down and mumbled a few curses at it.

Glaring at the phone for a minute or two, she quickly composed herself before looking up at me with a bright smile. "Good Morning to you too, Mrs. Johnson," I greeted rather sarcastically, dropping the pen.

"Morning Leah," she greeted, before turning in her seat and ruffling through some papers behind her. "I'm sure you're in a rush to get to class, so I won't keep you..." her words trailed off as she turned back around, surprise colouring her face.

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