Chapter 11

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The roar of the crowd met my ears even from the room that I stood in. My anger boiled the blood in my veins, as I had just ended my first fight - which truth be told, wasn't much of a challenge.

Having needed none of my pent-up anger, I now paced around the room like a caged animal. Waiting impatiently for my next call.

Grace's blog flashed through my mind as I remembered every last word of it – having read it about ten times. I was raging mad at what she had dared to do.

So, when the call came about getting a slot tonight, I jumped at the idea before Shay could even get the words out. And then when I got here and he informed me of another two slots, I accepted without hesitation.

Usually, I would only take on two fights a night, but tonight was different, because I had some anger to burn. Plus, since I hadn't broken a sweat in my first fight, I was sure I could go on with the next two. I mean all it really meant for me was some extra cash and another notch to my name.

Something I definitely needed if I wanted to get somewhere in this place.

Shaking my head, I moved to the punching bag hanging in the corner and started throwing punches and kicks at it. My confinement within this room was starting to slowly piss me off as I had no way of releasing my anger.

For a second my mind wondered to Cole – who had been in more than seven fights this week alone. People had been looking for him during his absence and now that he was back – they wanted blood.

Something Cole wouldn't allow them to get, because he was just that good. I mean come on; we were trained by the best.

"You ready?" a voice asked, behind me.

Jumping slightly, I turned to face Shay. His brown gaze met mine, with a curious look shining in them.

"Uh... Yeah," I answered with a sheepish grin.

"You sure?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me as concern crossed them.


"Three fights in one night isn't a joke, Leah," he said in warning, his eyes travelling over my body before once again meeting mine.

Scoffing at his words, I rolled my eyes. "Could you even consider that last fight I had, a fight?"

"That girl got some good punches in though," he retorted with a hard look at me.

"Yeah, and yet she still got her ass beat!" I snapped back. "I'm all good, Shay, so when is my..."

Three loud bangs on the door to our room, cut me off. Signifying that I was up for my next fight.

Glancing at Shay, he came to my side and wrapped his arm around me in one of his reassuring hugs. Something he had been doing since I had started fighting here in the Warehouse.

When I had first joined, I had freaked out a little considering what had happened to me, but his reassuring hugs helped me and soon I got used to things around here.

As Shay dropped his arm, my mask of indifference fell into place as we walked towards the door that would lead me to my opponent and my second fight for the night.

The sound of my surname being called over and over again as if it were a chant reached my ears as we exited the room. I hadn't been given a nickname yet since I wasn't that well known and hadn't proven myself to the Warehouse Masters.

Having only been fighting in these fights for about two and a half years, I had won almost all of my matches. However, I still wasn't on the Masters radar as I had only started playing in the big leagues about a year ago.

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