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I lazily make my way through the Los Angeles International Airport. I had just got off my flight from North Carolina and let me just say, I had a nicer nap than I expected on that plane.

"Can you walk any slower?", Ryan shoves me lightly from behind.

Oh yeah, how could I forget to mention my twat of a twin brother is accompanying me as well?

"Can you be any more of a dick?" I return his sarcasm and roll my eyes.

"cAn yOu bE mOrE oF a diCk", he mocks me.

"Just shut up", I shake my head and we walk over to the luggage pick-up.

"jUst sHut uP."

You see why I call him a twat?

After we grab our luggage, I check my text from Austin to see where he's going to pick Ryan and I up- he's our older brother and who we're here to visit.

Austin moved to LA about two years ago to join a boy band. I've missed him living with us a lot, but I'm glad he's out persuing his singing career. Recently the band has been getting big and have been on tour quite a few times. How I haven't seen them perform yet is a mystery to me. And how I still don't know the other four members is a bigger mystery, but I guess I really didn't care about any of them except for Austin- sorry.

Anyway, I guess I'll have to get to know the rest of them now since I'll be living in their house for 4 whole weeks.

Ryan and I head out the doors of Exit 4 and I immediately see a familiar blonde haired boy leaning against a black car.

"Austin!", I jog toward him and wrap my arms around his torso.

"Hey Rav", he chuckles and hugs me as well.

"How's my favorite brother?" I smirk knowing Ryan's behind me.

"Wowww", Ryan kisses his teeth. "I'm telling Mason."

(Mason's my other older brother. I know, I have a lot of brothers and guess what? No sisters. So if you ever wonder why I'm such a tomboy, there's your answer.)

"AYE, I'm hype now that you guys are here", Austin answers my question as he hails Ryan. "But, the uber driver's bout to beat my ass, so get in quick", he takes our luggage and throws it in the trunk.

We all hop in the car and apologize to the evidently pissed off driver. Austin plays some Tyler the Creator like we used to in car rides and the drive to the house goes pretty fast if I'm being honest.

Once we're there, Austin helps me bring my suitcase in- Ryan brings his own like a sucker- and shows us to the guest rooms. It's a really nice house from what I've seen.

"Come down when you're unpacked, alright?", Austin leans against the door frame.

"I will", I nod at him and he walks away after giving me a peace sign.

Dork, I chuckle to myself as I unzip my suitcase and begin sorting the clothes into drawers.

Wait, did I ever formally introduce myself? I guess not. Well, I'm Raven- usually called Rav by my family and friends. I always found my name kind of ironic, mostly because the definition of a raven is, "a large black bird", and I'm basically the complete opposite of that.

My skin is beyond pale and I dyed my brown hair to a light silver-purple color, so if you can imagine that, I'm basically a walking casper. Not to mention I have icy blue eyes- which I was the only one of my siblings to inherit from my dad. Not even my twin got them surprisingly, but to be fair, I never actually thought I looked like Ryan. I actually always thought I looked most like Austin in the family and I'm convinced he's my actual twin.

Speaking of the devil, I finished unpacking and better go downstairs like he said.

As I make my way down, I already hear the yelling and laughter from the guys. Following the voices, I end up in the living room where 5 of them are sprawled across the couches. Ryan's already down here talking to a tall lightskin guy about god knows what.

"Hi", I stand in the middle of the room. They all stop and look at me.

"Oh guys, this is Raven, my sister", Austin introduces me thankfully.

"Yo, I'm Zion", the lightskin who was talking to Ryan says.

"I'm Edwin", another one smiles.

"Nick", the last one nods.

They're all surprisingly really attractive, but I mean what did I expect from a boy band?

"Hey", I smile at them and sit in the open spot next to Edwin near the doorway of the room.

"And she's only 17 so don't get any funny ideas", Austin warns and I roll my eyes.

"Woah chill, what makes you think we would go for your sister', Zion puts his arms up in surrender.

Austin and Edwin look over at Nick who's guiltily scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah", he chuckles.

"Wait, what happened?" I laugh a little.

"Nick started dating Brandon's sister and that was the most recent time one of us brought a family member here", Edwin fills me in.

"Whoops?" Nick says and everyone cracks up a little.

"Who's Brandon though?", I ask and frown.

"That would be me", I deep voice says. When I turn around, a tall, dark haired boy with glasses walks into the room and takes the seat beside me. He's another good looking one.

"And you're..?" he waits for me to finish the sentence.

"Raven", I nod and give him a half smile.

Okay, he's maybe the most good looking- to me anyway. Raven, stoP YOURSELF. He's probably like 20 and that's ALL types of illegal.

"Can I call you Ra? (pronounced Ray) I think it suits you better", his voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Only if I can call you B", I raise my eyebrows.

"Deal", he smirks.

"Yo Brandon, my guy, I was just telling everyone not to hit on her or they'll catch a rude hit from me", Austin says.

"Oh my god Austin, we get it", my eyes roll again. "Why would they even want to, isn't everyone like 20 here anyway?"

"I am", Nick says.

"Me and Ed are 19", Zion answers.

"And I'm 18", I turn back to Brandon who's putting a hand through his hair.

"Oh.. word."

Well, this just became a lot more legal.

A.N: yO, this chapter's boring asf bc it's just establishing everything😪 dw next chapter will be better ok ttyl ily, pls vote or whateva :*

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