Chapter 3

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Audrey sat on Jade's bed as Jade stood in front of her mirror, caking make up on her face.

"Please let me do your makeup, Auds!" Jade asked for the millionth time as Audrey ignored her and continued reading her book.

Jade huffed. "At least let me help you pick out something nice to wear!"

Audrey looked at her, offended. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"We're going to the Twist Lounge, Auds. You don't exactly look like you're ready to rock out." Jade said shaking her head.

"Fine, I'll look through your closet while you finish up, but I doubt I'll find anything that fits me." Audrey conceded as she started poking through the hangers. She actually found a black suede mini skirt that she liked and a black leather jacket. Luckily, Jade and Audrey wore the same shoe size, so Audrey picked a pair of black booties out of the back of Jade's closet. Audrey kept the Beatles t-shirt and went in the bathroom to change.

She stepped out and twirled in front of Jade.

"So? Better?" Audrey asked tentatively.

"Damn girl you look badass." Jade said appreciatively.

An hour later and both girls were walking out the door, ready to go.

They finally arrived at the Twist Lounge and had their hands stamped as they walked in to show they were underage. Just as Audrey expected, there was a huge crowd that night and she started to breath shallowly at the sight. Luckily, Jade had taken care of everything.

"Come on, it'll be okay. Just breathe. Christian got us seats right up front away from the crowd so you don't have to worry about a thing. Follow me." She said right into Audrey's ear to make sure she heard her over the crowd.

Audrey instantly calmed slightly and held her friend's hand as they made their way around the crowd. As soon as they made it to their seats, Christian popped up, seemingly out of nowhere with a few guys trailing behind him. As they got closer, Audrey noticed Noah was one of the guys in Christian's possy and started to smile when she caught sight of who was behind him.

Jack ran a hand through his hair, openly staring at her with a look of shock. Audrey stared right back. She had to admit, he looked good.

He was wearing a tight black t-shirt that showed off the muscles in his arms. The shirt read "Life is for Living" and Audrey caught herself staring at his chest a little too long.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asked, still staring at Audrey.

"I'm here to see Rockplay's set. What are you doing here?" She replied, still too shocked at his appearance to think through her response.

"I'm in Rockplay. I'm the guitarist." Jack responded, unaware that the whole group was watching their conversation like a tennis match, their heads going back and forth between the two.

"Wait. How do you two even know each other??" Jade asked, confused.

Noah spoke up, "They met this morning while you two," gesturing between Jade and Christian, "were making out in front of the school."

Audrey looked at him, confused. "How did you know that? You weren't there."

Jack's eyes went wide, and he looked at Noah with a panicky expression.

"Uhhh.. I.. well.. because.. oh gee would you look at the time we need to go get ready for our set. See ya later Audrey!" Noah blurted, running in the opposite direction, Jack following behind him.

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