Chapter 11

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"You know what we need for this movie? Popcorn! Who wants some?" Austin asked as everyone raised their hands. "Perfect! I'll be right back!"

"I'll come with you!" Jessie said, getting up with a smile. Austin hesitated, giving her a curious look, but just shrugged and kept walking out of the room.

After a beat of silence, Jack spoke.

"So your room is amazing. You realize that, right?" Jack said, still looking around the room incredulously.

"I mean I like it, but I don't know if I'd say it's amazing. Thanks though." Audrey replied shyly. Now that it was just the two of them in her room, she couldn't help but feel nervous. Their bean bags were only inches apart and Audrey's heart was beating quickly.

"It really is, though! Are you secretly an interior decorator in your free time, or something? And I've gotta ask, how'd you get into records?" Jack asked, still seemingly amazed.

"Thanks. And I found my dad's record player in the basement of our old house a few years ago. He showed me how it worked and gave me the few records he had left. I've been collecting records ever since. The ones that I've found at Goodwill that are too scratched to play are the ones I've used as decorations." she said, pointing to the various records she had hung up around the room.

"Speaking of your decorations, which are awesome, by the way, do you really listen to all these bands?" Jack asked, gesturing to the wall of band posters behind the TV.

"Yes, I do. Why?" she asked, still feeling shy.

"Oh nothing, you've just got great taste in music. I love all of these bands." Jack replied honestly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey, you know, I was w-wondering...I know you have this secret admirer guy...but I-I was wondering..." Jack trailed off, looking at her face.

"You were wondering?..." Audrey said, leaning a little closer to him, hoping he was about to ask her out. Her heart beat sky rocketed at the thought.

"Uhh...I was w-wondering.... if you would want help figuring out who the guy is." Jack finished lamely.

"O-oh right." Audrey leaned back, disappointed.

"I just figured maybe we could hang out and go over the clues together so you could figure it out, you know?" Jack asked, still rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

That caught Audrey's attention. It wasn't what she'd been hoping for, but at least it would mean alone time with Jack.

"Alright, yeah we could do that! I have work at the bookstore tomorrow morning, but maybe we could meet up afterwards or you could come over." Audrey said.

"Great! It's a date!" Jack said. A second later his eyes went wide. "I-I just mean it's set then..." Jack trailed off rolling his eyes at himself.

"Who wants popcorn?" Austin announced, coming back into the bedroom with Jessie trailing behind. "There were only two clean bowls in the cabinets so you two can share." Austin said, plopping a bowl down between Jack and Audrey.

Audrey scrolled back to the movie they had picked on Netflix. They had finally all agreed on Mr. Deeds with Adam Sandler since the boys both liked the actor and the girls both liked the love story.

Audrey got up and turned off the overhead light as the opening credits started, so that the only light in the room was from the TV in front of them. She sat back down in her bean bag, unintentionally scooting it marginally closer to Jack.

After they'd watched a good deal of the movie, Audrey looked over to see Austin was asleep and Jessie's eyes were just barely open. As she was looking at them, she reached for some more popcorn. Audrey and Jack happened to put their hands in the bowl at the same time.

As their hands touched, butterflies erupted in the pit of Audrey's stomach. After a second, Jack hadn't pulled his hand away and the butterflies seemed to be having a dance party. Slowly, Audrey felt Jack's fingers move to hook around hers. As she adjusted slightly to make it easier for him, she felt her face heat up and kept her eyes locked on the screen.

The rest of the movie passed that way - the two of them holding hands in their popcorn, staring straight ahead.

When the movie ended and the credits rolled, Audrey finally worked up the courage to look at Jack. He was already staring deeply at her and she could have sworn she saw him inch slightly closer.

"Ohhhh! Geez did I fall asleep?" Austin groaned as he woke up - an annoying and loud habit of his - which caused Jack and Audrey to jump away from each other in alarm.

"Yes you did, idiot." Audrey said, throwing a pillow at him.

"Hey! What was that for?" Austin said groggily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I'd better wake her up so we can get going." Jack said quietly, moving over to Jessie and shaking her lightly.

Just then Mrs. Greene called up the stairs.

"Kids! It's time for Jack and Jessie to go!"

Jessie stood and stretched, quietly walking out of the room without another word, still half asleep.

Jack hesitated in the doorway, turning to Audrey.

When they locked eyes, he said, "Goodnight, Audrey." in a low voice.

Audrey gulped.

"Goodnight, Jack."

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