Chapter 8

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Audrey woke up early the next morning and texted Jade that she would meet her at school. With her parents' blessing from last night, she was setting out to apply for a job at the bookstore on her way to school.

As Audrey walked up to the Paradox Bookstore, she couldn't help but smile at the huge sign posted outside their doors.

During business hours, the books on the porch are
50 ¢ each or
5 for $2

When the store is closed, please feel free to borrow them or keep them and pay me back later.


Donations accepted
-The Paradox Bookstore

As Audrey walked in, she was overwhelmed by huge bookshelves everywhere she looked. It was almost like a maze trying to find her way to the register. When she finally did, she found a gray-haired, older woman smoking a cigarette.

Is she allowed to do that in the bookstore? Audrey couldn't help but wonder to herself.

"Can I help you, darlin'?" The old woman asked, taking another draw on her cigarette.

"I just saw the sign that you were hiring outside and wanted to apply before school." Audrey explained nervously.

Before the old woman could respond, a loud voice came from the staircase behind her.

"Mom, are you smoking in the store again?!"

The old woman's eyes went wide and she put a finger up to her lips for Audrey, simultaneously putting out her cigarette and hiding the ash tray.

"Lorraine, what are you on about? I'm not smoking!" The old woman called back up the stairs.

Just then footsteps sounded on the stairs and someone was suddenly standing behind the old woman.

A blonde woman who seemed to be in her late forties reached around and immediately pulled out the ash tray, waving it in the old woman's face.

"You want to revise that last statement, Mom?" The woman Audrey guessed was Lorraine asked smugly. Lorraine seemed to suddenly realize Audrey was standing there and her eyes seemed about to bug out of her head.

"You were smoking in front of customers, no less??" Lorraine seemed pissed.

"This little lady isn't a customer! She wants to work here, so it's different!" The old woman's eyes were round as saucers.

Just then, more footsteps sounded on the stairs and two more people appeared behind the old woman and Lorraine.

"Audrey?? What are you doing here?"

Audrey looked up to see Noah with a hand on his hip looking at her curiously.

"Noah! Hey! I was just applying for the job before school! What are you doing here?" She asked with genuine enthusiasm. If Noah worked here, too, that would make this job even better.

"I live here!" He exclaimed pointing up the stairs. "And I work here," gesturing around them, "after school." Noah explained. He turned to Lorraine.

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