1. New Boy

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       The halls of Broklyn Ivring Highschool were finnaly filled again as new and old students rolled in to begin the first day of the 2005 school year. For Kayla MaCrae everything remained the same as she pushed through all the people to chat with her best friend, Frank Iero.

"Hey Frankie." She smiled.

"Whats up?" The boy replied, grabbing a pencil out of the top of his locker and putting it behind his ear.

"Just stopped by to say hi." She giggled a bit, "and also," she handed him a piece of paper, "a copy of my schedule in case of an emergency."

"Oh, thank you." He smiled and gave her a hug.

Frank had horrible anxiety and mainly had panic(!) attacks in the middle of class and Kayla was the one who could help him calm a bit.

Kayla hugged back, "well I better head to class, bye Frank!" She smiled and turned around, walking to class.


She walked into the class, sitting in the only empty seat next to one of her friends, Mikey Way.

She used the term 'friend' even though he wasn't, he was something far more important than that.

"Hey Kayla!" Mikey whispered, smiling a bit.

"Hey Mikey." She whispered sitting down. Kayla peered around the class room, looking at some new and old faces when she stopped at a boy in the corner. He was rather different, having brown hair that covered his left eye, he caught her gaze and smiled at her causing Kayla to blush. Through class the boy and girl would look at eachother and share smiles, Kayla was determined to find out more about the boy.

"H-hi..." A voice said as Kayla walked out of her first period. She looked back to see the boy with brown hair that she was a exchanging smiles with in class.

"H-hey." She looked down, blushing a bit and pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Ryan, n-nice to meet you..." He kept his head down and put his hand out for her to shake.

Kayla shook his hand and looked up a bit, "Kayla, nice t-to meet you too." Kayla was nervous but, put on a smile as her cheeks flushed red.

"I-I'm new and haven't made any f-friends yet." He looked up at Kayla and a small smile formed on his face.

"I'll be your friend." She smiled.

"Really?" Ryan replied, a bigger smile forming on his face.


And thats how a great friendship started. :)

Whop first chapter!! I'm not the best writter and don't have very much talent in the art but, i tried:) in this story there will be characters from MCR, P!ATD & Maybe some from Fall Out Boy. I will update when I can! School is starting in a couple days so updates may be slow:/ thanks for reading and please vote if you liked it!!😊🌻💛

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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