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He didn't realise how much he missed his home until he stepped through the front door and was immediately greeted by a feeling of comfort and familiarity.

Nothing had changed apart from one or two added decorations and paintings. In a trance, he walked into the family room where framed pictures lined the marble mantelpiece, many with forced smiles for the camera but some with a rare genuine smile - those often featured his smiling Flora.

He frowned as conflicting thoughts filled his mind. Theo remembered the loving relationship he used to have with his parents, having owing them for literally saving his life.

They found him sobbing in the rain at just 2 years old, hiding behind a sh*tty apartment block with only a thin layer of clothing on his skin and not much on his bones. With news that Theo's mother was found dead in the apartment from an overdose and the Knights well established status, he was rescued and in their arms in just a couple of weeks.

He grew up with a moody and quiet personality but it didn't mean he wasn't grateful for what they did. It didn't mean he didn't love them.

But then Theo internally scoffed. He was still wallowing in bitterness from being sent away. They had gotten enough of him and growing up with a promise of unconditional love didn't prepare him for it.

Tiny fingers tickled his palm and his lips instantly quirked up into a smile.

He looked down and saw the top of her head staring at his relaxed hand with her fingers wiggling in it. She used to do that whenever he was upset or angry to take his mind off it in an attempt to elicit a laugh out of him. As much as he would try to hide his emotions, his princess knew him well and never fail to make him smile - no matter how stupid the method was.

When he clutched her small hand in his large one, she sucked in a breath and looked up at him with pale blue eyes twinkling with shock and happiness. Her cheeks blushed as she averted her gaze to their conjoined hands.

A fake cough brought his attention away from her and towards his sister who had her eyes narrowed before sending Flora a sardonic smile. "Not even half an hour and you steal his attention away from his family. Good going Flora."

What the did she just f*cking say?!

"What? S-sorry. I'm- I'm not tryi- "

"Don't apologise, princess." Theo said angrily, not at her of course but at the nerve of his sister, her supposed best friend. He squeezed her hand tightly when he saw her looking down at her shoes like a wounded puppy.

Trying to take away the tension, his dad apprehensively broke the awkward silence between the siblings by saying, "as you said Kate, he just got here so there's plenty of time to catch up. Speaking of which. Elisa? Can you bring us five teas please?"

Elisa, a maid that had been working at the Knight household long before he left, nodded and politely replied, "yes sir."

Before she could scurry into the kitchen, Theo called, "actually could you make that four and change one for apple juice?" He knew that Flora didn't like tea or other hot beverages apart from hot chocolate. She had an extreme sweet tooth.

"Of course and welcome home, sir," she smiled at him and left with a nod.

They went to sit on the soft luxury couch with him in between the two eighteen year olds and his parents opposite them. Feeling a tug on his arm, he looked to his left and leaned his ear towards Flora, knowing that was her signal of wanting to talk to him.

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