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He was surprised that his room looked like he never left it and he was beginning to doubt the fact that he was in a different country for years. Everything was as he left it - the sock he left under his desk because he could never be bothered to pick it up and the little birthday card Flora made him one year sitting proudly where it always was on his windowsill.

However, it was clear someone had been cleaning his room because there was not a single spec of dust in sight.

With jet lag weighing down on his body, Theo fell unconscious as soon as his head hit the puffy white pillow and the strong scent of the same laundry detergent he grew up with consumed his air, admittedly bringing a slight smile.

He slept the rest of the day away but still felt incredibly exhausted when he woke up to the deafening shriek of his sister. "Mum! I can't find my white skinny jeans!"

And with that, he was reminded of how much he hated mornings.

Theo heard his mother scold her from outside his room, "darling, you don't have to shout because you'll wake your brother up. And you asked Elisa to put them in the wash, remember. I'm sure you'll find them in the dryer."

Footsteps followed so he assumed they had finally left but after a few minutes, he heard the sound of shoes running up the stairs, before Kate's mumbled voice spoke through the door saying, "the grump's been asleep since yesterday. Ugly f*cker needs his beauty sleep."

Deciding he wasn't going to get more sleep, he put some pants on and swung open the door, making his sister jump in surprise. "Thanks for letting me sleep," he said with heavy sarcasm dripping from his voice but then he took notice of what she was wearing and immediately, he shook his head. "No. No. No. No. No. You are not wearing that."

She cocked her hip and looked down at her stripy bandeau stop and ripped high waisted skinny jeans. "And what is the problem?" Kate asked, raising her obviously drawn eyebrow at him, daring him to say something mean.

"You're literally going to school in a bra." He deadpanned, before giving her an incredulous look when her expression didn't change. "How do you see no problem with this?" He practically yelled, getting angry at the thought of immature teenage boys ogling his little sister and even more angry at the fact that she thought it was normal. Maybe it was ok for other girls but it sure wasn't for his kid sister, who in his mind was growing up way too quickly.

She rolled her eyes, irritating him further. "Don't be so old grandpa. I'm 18. I'm literally an adult!"

"Not to me you're not. At least put a coat over it or something." He ignored her little insult and folded his arms, telling her he wasn't going to let it go.

"Fine." She disappeared into her room, stomping her feet childishly as she went, and came back with half a jean jacket. HALF a jean jacket. "Happy?"

He gritted his teeth at her mocking smile. Giving up, he accepted that he wasn't going to win and just walked away to brush his teeth, wondering how he got so old so quickly, even at just twenty two.

While he got ready for the day ahead, the painful rumble of his stomach made him realise he hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon so he jogged to the kitchen where a maid he had never seen before was making pancakes for a clearly impatient Kate.

"Good morning, sir. What would you like for breakfast?" the maid asked, looking slightly intimidated by his large stature.

"Just pancakes for me, thanks." He poured himself some tea and sat on the kitchen stool next to Kate. Looking at the dirty plates in the sink, he guessed that both parents were already at work.

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