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The clatter of cutlery hitting china plates was the only sound over the first complete family dinner in five years. To say it was awkward was an understatement.

"How did the job search go, Theo?" His mother asked as she refilled her wine glass.

"Got a job at the café." Tommy had called soon after he returned home informing him of the hours that were available. Theo took most of them, knowing that he had nothing better to do and he needed as much money as possible to leave home as soon as possible.

His mother practically jumped out of her seat in excitement. "Oh, Jane's café?" She squealed.

He gave a tight smile and nodded, feeling uncomfortable at the overly proud expression she held for something he didn't even work for.

"When do you start work?" His father said from the head of the dinner table.

"Tomorrow," Theo replied as he chewed on his food, eating less than politely in a rush to escape from the forced conversation and tense atmosphere.

Clearly, his sister had the same idea as she abruptly stood up from the table and announced, "I'm going to the cinema so I'll be back in a few hours."

"Have fun, sweetheart." Mrs Knight smiled as her daughter kissed her cheek, followed by her father's, as a goodbye.

Theo's eyes narrowed at Kate's back as she scampered out of the house. Without a doubt, he knew this new version of his sister would be the last to watch a movie by herself in a public setting.

It was obvious her best friends would be the ones accompanying her and he wasn't about to let his Flora be alone with Gray, who appeared to like her much more than Theo was okay with.

Cinemas were a quiet and dark place where many couples went out for dates so he couldn't bear to imagine what the guy would do to get out of the dreaded friend zone. His blood boiled at just the thought of Gray sitting next to the naïve beauty, unaware that her innocent touches were being perceived as something much more.

He imagined them both reaching for the popcorn and then giggling like school children as their fingers grazed. One minute a hand touch, the next they're f*cking in the back seat of his Ford Fiesta.

"Theo? Are you ok?"

He blinked and shook his head to rid him of his thoughts as his father continued to stare at him in concern. Theo wiped his mouth with the napkin before standing up from his chair with the legs screeching against the hardwood floors.

"I'm finished." He muttered, leaving his parents at the dinner table to finish their meal.

Coincidently, his room was situated opposite of Flora's, which caused their relationship to become what it was. Many late nights were spent talking to each other through plastic cups connected with string.

More often than not, he'd sneak into her girly room and settle himself into the floral blankets to spend the night holding her in his arms.

Especially, when he'd look into her window and see her sobbing from a nightmare caused by one of Kate's horror stories. If he was already asleep, he'd wake up to her puffy eyed figure throwing her stuffed dinosaurs through his window until he'd comfort her.

A demanding little princess but his princess nonetheless.

Thankfully, Flora hadn't left for the cinema yet and was playing on her phone when he reached his room. He could see her sprawled on her back as she held the device above her face while she tapped the screen furiously with a determined expression.

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