Chapter 2

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Jaylins POV
It's been 2 months since I came back people still stay away that's a good thing I'm colder then ever if anyone but Lauren touches me they end up getting punched Camila and her friends became bullies constantly I was asking out Lauren today but I was nervous as hell the thought of losing her terrifies me to death I was walking into school when I saw Lauren at my locker on her phone but then I saw Austin and Camila picking on a kid I got tired of it I picked Austin up by shirt and slammed his face into the lockers I let go he groaned I said "stop being an idiot mahone I can do a lot worst" I just walked to Lauren I hugged her I put my face in her neck her she smells like Vanilla and it calms me down she massaged my scalp she said "you're on edge why?" I said "come on" I lead her to the music room I had her sit down in a chair she said "what are you doing?" I said "just listen" I started playing the guitar

"Now I'm about to give you my heart
But remember this one thing
I've never been in love before
So you gotta go easy on me
I heard love is dangerous
Once you fall you never get enough
But the thought of you leaving
Ain't so easy for me
Don't hurt me
Desert me
Don't give up on me
What would I wanna do that for?
Don't use me
Take advantage of me
Make me sorry I ever counted on you
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
Understand I've been here before
Thought I found someone I thought I finally could adore
But you failed my test, got to know her better so I wasn't the only one
But I'm willing to put my trust you, baby you could put your trust in me
Just like a count to three, you can count on me and your never gonna see
No numbers in my pocket
Anything I'm doing girl I'll drop it for you
'Cause you're the one I'm giving my heart to but I gotta be the only one
Don't hurt me
Desert me
Don't give up on me
What would I wanna do that for?
Don't use me
Take advantage of me
Make me sorry I ever counted in you
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
I really hope you understand
That if you wanna take my hand
You should put yours over my heart
I promise to be careful from the start
I'm trustin' you with lovin' me
Very, very carefully
Never been so vulnerable
Baby I'll make you comfortable
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
One, two, three, four to the five what would I wanna do that
One, two, three, four to the five baby, I'm counting on you
One, two, three, four to the five
No I'm about to give you my heart
So remember this one thing
I've never been in love before
Yeah, you gotta go easy on me"

She was smiling by the end she said "what was that for?" I grabbed her hand I held her I looked at her I said "my has been filled with pain it's all I remember but you've always been there you never gave up on me you waited you lived it with me you didn't care if I called you at 3 am crying, you didn't care if I showed up at your randomly because I needed to hug you, you still stayed by my side all the hospital visits, all the memories, the flashbacks, the panic attacks you just held me through it all and I don't know if I'd be alive today without you every time I was going through all I wanted to do was give up I remembered you we're at home waiting for me to return when we're 10 I realized I liked you I was scared god it scared me by 13 I loved you but I couldn't bring myself to say it especially with what was happening and then I met Camila she made me forget what I had for you and at first that's what I wanted I loved Camila I did but I always knew eventually everything I felt for you would come back and I had to face it but the thought of you leaving, if you letting me go, of losing the only girl who understands me terrifies me 2 months ago when I came back I talk to my parents I asked if it was wrong to start liking you again they asked me what I thought everytime I saw you and all I could say 'I thought she was beautiful and I just wanna grab her and kiss her' my dad was so excited our parents have been shipping us together which we really need to find out where our parents learned what that meant" we chuckled I said "the point is Lo that no matter what it'll always be you I'm always gonna come back to you to your arms and it's because you're my home lo no matter where we are together as long as I'm with you and in your arms I'm home I feel safe everything bad disappears from my mind I love you lo I do even though I'm terrified to lose you I'm still gonna ask you will you go on a date with me?" I was staring at our hands playing with her fingers I felt 2 fingers under my chin she lifted my face up I looked at her she leaned and kissed my forehead I sighed in happiness she just sets my body on fire she said "hey look at me" I did she smiled she said "I've waited to hear that question since we were 12 love yes I'll go on a date with you" I smiled I said "tonight at 8?!" She smiled she said "what do you want me to wear?" I said "whatever you're comfortable in princess you look amazing in anything but it's not fancy it's causal" she kissed my hand she said "come on let's finish school then you can go home and pace around your room until you burn a hole in the floor" I slapped her arm lightly
It was about 7 right now I had just got from setting up the date at the hill now I was getting dressed I was wearing this

She was smiling by the end she said "what was that for?" I grabbed her hand I held her I looked at her I said "my has been filled with pain it's all I remember but you've always been there you never gave up on me you waited you lived it with me yo...

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i had bought all Lauren's favorite foods for this I was pacing back and forth in the living room literally I could feel my parents and brother watching me I heard my brother say "you know after everything she's been through you'd think a date wouldn't make her nervous" my dad said "I'm afraid she's gonna burn a hole in the floor" my mom said "Jaylin freeze" I did I looked at her she said "breathe okay calm down it's just Lauren" I said "just Lauren my ass that girl is a walking goddess and I'm nervous ugh" my brother said "this is actually entertaining but it's 7:55 Jaylin go" I kissed their cheeks and drove my car a few houses down I knocked on her door her mom opened it she smiled she let me I walked in then started pacing their living room until mike stopped me I looked at him he said "Jaylin breathe she's gonna love it okay?" I heard "I'm ready!" I looked and I swear my jaw dropped I froze Chris said "I think she's dead" I looked Lauren up and down I said "you're an angel right? This is heaven" I couldn't she's to beautiful Clara said "yeah Lauren I think you killed her" I said "god you're beautiful" I kissed her forehead mike said "have fun" I said "come on" I lead her outside I opened the door for her she got in then I did I started driving with one hand the other was holding her hand she said "where we going?" I said "only a few mins love" I pulled up to the hill I put a blindfold on her then lead her to the spot I said "okay you can look" she took the blind fold off I heard a gasp

i had bought all Lauren's favorite foods for this I was pacing back and forth in the living room literally I could feel my parents and brother watching me I heard my brother say "you know after everything she's been through you'd think a date woul...

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It was pictures of us I had brought my speaker for a little music she said "it's beautiful Jaylin" I said "I wanted to do something I have never done and we haven't either and I know how much you love the moon, the sun, and the stars I wanted to combine it"' she hugged me she grabbed my hand I had brought pillows also we sat on the blankets I took out the food she was happy that's all I cared about I also had a camera set up to take a picture every 10 mins I made sure I brought everything now we were laying down she was on my chest and we were staring at the sky it was silent we didn't need to talk to be happy together but I broke the silence I said "the last 18 years of my life I've been through hell and it changed me but one thing that never changed was you by my side you mean the world to me Lauren and god I'm so lucky you said yes because if I ever lost you I wouldn't be able to handle anything you make me whole you're one piece I'm always gonna need and I'll make you my wife for now let's start small Lauren Jauregui will you be my girlfriend ?" I looked at her she was already staring at me she said "yes" I smiled she's the only who can make that happen I cupped her cheeks and slowly captured her lips in a kiss she kissed back we pulled away and put our foreheads together I said "I've wanted to do that for so long" she said "I love you jaylin"
I said "I love you lo"

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