Chapter 3

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Jaylins POV
I had taken lo home last night and I regret it because now I miss her I walked down stairs my mom said "why the long face?" I said "i miss Lauren" my brother said "jay you'll see her as school in like 10 mins don't worry sis" I nodded I grabbed water and toast from my mom grabbed my car keys and left I got in my Ferrari and sped to school once I parked in my spot I got out I locked my car and walked inside the school everyone moved as usual I saw Lauren by my locker I walked to her quickly she was facing away from me I wrapped my arms around her waist pulled her to me and laid my face in her neck I mumbled "good morning angel" she giggled she said "good morning love" I let her turn in my arms she said "you okay?" I nodded I said "I just missed you babe" I looked at her outfit I swear this girl is the only one that can warm my heart I said "why are you so beautiful?" She said "coming from the one who looks good all the time" I looked into her eyes all I saw was love, safety, and home I grabbed her jaw I leaned and captured her lips in mine we heard gasps people don't know me and Lauren have been best friends since we were kids she kissed back she sighed in happiness I mumbled "god I love you" She mumbled "and I love you princess" until I heard "wow Jaylin you going around in the circle now that's sad" I looked it was Austin and Brad Camila and them were standing behind them I looked at Lauren she looked at me I leaned and whispered "10 bucks I can make both cry by the end" she said "deal" I grabbed them both I kneeled them in the guy elbowed them in the back and then punched him they cried in pain I said "told you not to try me mahone you 2 Simpson clear instructions stay the hell away from Lauren and it's not going around the circle if ive known Lauren longer then anyone else has now stay the hell out mine and my girls business" I looked at Lauren she gave me 10 bucks I said "thanks babe" she nodded I saw the principal he saw brad and Austin he said "who did it?" Camila said "Jaylin" I looked at him he looked at me he chuckled he said "you bet on it didn't you?" I said "I bet Lauren 10 bucks I could make them cry I won simple" he nodded he said "it's nice to see the old Jaylin back someone get them to the nurse" I kissed Lauren again
It was time for music class and I wanted to sing something to Lauren the teacher said "Jaylin you wanted to sing something" I nodded I got up and grabbed the acoustic guitar and sat in front of Lauren I sung

"You and I, we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky
With you, I'm alive
Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide
So stop time right here in the moonlight
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
I'm just a sad song
With you, I fall
It's like I'm leaving all my past and silhouettes up on the wall
With you, I'm a beautiful mess
It's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up on the edge
So stop time right here in the moonlight
'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
You're the perfect melody
The only harmony I wanna hear
You're my favourite part of me
With you standing next to me
I've got nothing to fear
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song
Without you, I feel broke
Like I'm half of a whole
Without you, I've got no hand to hold
Without you, I feel torn
Like a sail in a storm
Without you, I'm just a sad song, I'm just a sad song"

She loved that song always have she grabbed my face and kissed me I smiled into it
That night me and Lauren were laying in bed together she was staying the night and I was glad because I hated being without her she had her face stuffed in my neck right now I sighed in happiness I said "I love you so much Lauren Jauregui" she said "I love you so much Jaylin Dark" and we both fell asleep but around 3:00 I woke up I had to pee so I carefully move out of Lauren's grip to my bathroom then I went downstairs to get a drink I heard a noise I looked but didn't see anything then I felt someone hit my head and everything went black
Lauren's POV
I woke up because I was cold and I couldn't feel y/n near me i looked she wasn't next to me I looked at the time it was only 4 am I went downstairs looking for her but I saw shattered glass and the back door was open and I saw a note I picked it up and it said
"Guess whose back - H"
I wanted to cry I ran upstairs to her parents room I knocked on their door till they woke up and her dad opened the door he said "Lauren what's wrong?" I said "Hayden took Jaylin" he went wide eyed he woke up her mom I went and woke up her brother we got going called anyone they could get it was around 7 now her dad said "Lauren go to school today I know you wanna stay and find her but you gotta go to school and do the work so when we find her you can help her catch up" I wanted to cry I said "find my princess please" her brother hugged me he said "we don't worry"
A's been a week without her kisses, without her hugs, cuddles, love I can't sleep if I do I wake up crying I was in school right now my eyes had gone dull anyone could see that Austin and brad had been saying shit about Jaylin all week I didn't have the energy to do anything until right now when brad said "I bet Jaylin is scared to come to school we scared her" I turned her he looked me and smirked I motioned for her to come closer when he did I grabbed him by the throat he struggled I said "when she comes back she's gonna know everything you said and I will personally make sure your ass ends up in the hospital" I let him go and turned back around I missed her so much when the door opened I looked up I saw 2 army guys they saw me they smiled softly one said "come on Lauren we got her" I grabbed my stuff and ran out all the way to their car with them I was nervous I said "did you kill Hayden?" They said "we did a bullet in his head and his heart we got her to the hospital" I nodded we got there I ran to the desk I said "which room is Jaylin Dark in?" She looked she said "who are you?" I said "her girlfriend" she said "497" I nodded I ran to the elevator and pushed floor god I need to hold her I ran and found her room I opened the door quietly I saw her family then I looked she was awake I said "baby!" She looked she said "princess!" I went and hugged her I stuffed my face in her neck I said "god I've missed you so much!" I cupped her cheeks I took in every inch of her face i never wanted to forget it she said "I'm safe I'm home my love" i said "you have a few people to beat when you get back to school I promised them a hospital trip" her family has stepped out by now to give us a minute she said "were they messing with you?" I said "brad kept trying to grab me then him and Austin kept making jokes about how you weren't there and saying you were a wimp and pathetic" she growled she lifted me on the bed and held me she growled "Mine! Only mine! I'm gonna kill him for touching my princess only I can? Mine!" I sighed in happiness I said "all yours my love all yours" she kissed me and god I missed her lips
Jaylins POV
I'm back at school today brad and Austin about to get a beating especially brad i had told Lauren to be there when I get there because the first thing I'm doing is punching brad and slamming Austin's head into the lockers I parked my bike and got off I walked into the school everyone was surprised I was back they moved out of my way I looked at Lauren I gave her a finger that said wait a minute she nodded I went to both boys I grabbed them by their hair I said "I would say nice to see you but it's really not" I pushed both of heads into the lockers kicked out one their knees and broke an arm I snapped them they cried out in pain I said "that's for the shit you decided to talk when I wasn't here because you can't say it to my face" then I punched brad in the nose and decided to mess with him I stepped on his dick he said "ow ow what the hell jaylin?" I said "I made it clear Simpson stay the fuck away from my girl and I mean it one day you're gonna end up dead and I really hope I'm the reason you're there" I rolled my eyes I went back to Lauren I kissed her I said "good morning mi amor" she said "mhmm good morning princess" I said "baby you going to college?" She said "yes princess to Miami U for medical" I smiled I said "I am too my love but for business and law we're gonna get an apartment together" Lauren said "baby I have a question?" I said "actually can we talk in private babe I wanna say something" she nodded I grabbed her hand and lead her in the field we sat by the tree I held her in my lap while I leaned back against the tree I said "growing up you'd always been the one who always protected me looked after me and held me when I was upset you were the one who stayed when every thing went wrong and when my heart turned into stone you still stayed you were there through every night mare I had you stayed through all the PTSD moments I had you stayed through my anxiety and panic attacks and god loving you scared me I loved you so much it scared me because it was like giving you the power to make me or break and when I met Camila and she made me forget what you made me felt I went with it I loved her I did but nothing can compare to you nothing can compare to the future I see with you I'm so in love with you Lauren and it scares me because I'm terrified to lose you" she looked in my eyes she said "you'll never lose me princess we've been through hell together and I'm not letting you go anytime soon you're the one I plan to marry my love and I can't wait till we get our future started I only have one question?" I hummed in response she said "do you want kids?" I said "if it means having Mini Lauren's running around I'll be happy too I wanna have children with you my love I wanna have everything with you" She said "forever" I said "and always"

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