Imagine for swan_5sos!

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Imagine you and Austin are the best power couple there is, everyone knows about you, everyone loves you guys... With the exception of a few. But that's beside the point. Anyways, you hear your phone ring, it's Alex!

"Hey Alex! What's up?"

"I was wondering Hansween, if you'd like to hang out with me today?"

"Sure! That would be great!" You smile and hang up. You text Austin

'Hey babe, hanging out with Alex today. Love you. 😘'

You put your phone in you pocket and grab your penny board and ride to the park. Once you get there you sit on a park bench and take out your phone it has a missed call and 2 text messages from Austin & Alex.

You open the one from Austin first 'Babe, wtf! Without me?! Are you serious?!' you read it as you roll your eyes and text back

'Don't trip, Austin. It's not like something is going to happen.'

Then you open the one from Alex

'Hey! I see you!' You smile as your we're about to text back when you felt hands covering your eyes you jump slightly. 

"Thanks Alex." You laugh and turn around 

"You're welcome." He smiles and sits next to you "So Hansween, I know that you're with Austin... But I really really like you." He says and leans in as you lean back.

"Alex, I can't. I love Austin dearly.. I couldn't ever do that to him" You look at him and out of no where Austin shows up. "Babe, what are you doing here?" You ask him.

"Don't worry about it Hansween. I just need to talk to Alex then I'm taking you home. Got it?" You nod lightly and sit on the bench. "Listen Alex, I need you to stay away from my girlfriend for a while or things are going to get ugly. Got it?" Austin says to Alex and he goes home. "Listen Hansween, I really don't want to loose you. I love you too mcuh to let you go. I love you." Austin says to you and you kiss him. "I love you more Austin." He takes you home and you're cuddled on the couch watching a movie. 

Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now