Chapter Twenty

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Jeff stood at Slender's side, feeling his lanky hand on his shoulder, they traveled pasted memories in a flash. Then they found themselves in (Y/n)'s bedroom, he was drinking heavily, then as he fell to the bed drunk, the window slid open to reveal a determined Jeff. He quickly tied a blindfold over (Y/n)'s eyes and lied next to him, their faces inches apart. While present Jeff looked away and up at Slender, to whom was watching him intently. Jeff looked down, then watched as the scene changed again to a forest surrounding. He looked around the small clearing and instantly located himself and (Y/n) training, it was obviously towards the end of our night seeing as he began dodging me. He pinned my past self to the ground, (Y/n) slowly moving in for our first kiss, "Have you seen the whole memory?" he warily asked Slender without looking up, "Yes." He nodded in understanding, then the scene shifted to his room, (Y/n) and Jeff where parting ways to go to bed, when past Jeff lied down and sighed out, "What is that kid doin to me?" Slender made Jeff looked at him, "What exactly is he doing to you Jeffery, because I recall saying you must train him and nothing else, and yet here you are more concerned about him then your own well being. Were you actually trying to hide this from me, I find that very unwise of you. Now explain yourself , what exactly is yours and (Y/n)'s relationship?" Jeff looked away from him and remained silent, "Do not ignore me, Jeffery Woods." he spoke in a menacing tone. "I- I don't know.... I never feel anything for anyone, the only things I really feel are anger and blood lust, but (Y/n)....... I really don't know, it's like he brings out this whole new insanity that I had never known existed." 

"We must now locate what is causing your precious (Y/n) to stay in this comatose state, time is of the essence." The scenery changed once again, and Jeff found himself surrounded by darkness. As he took a few steps further into the abyss, he looked around to find any sign of (Y/n) but found none. "(Y/N)!!!" he called. Jeff then heard a faint whisper, to faint to be understood, but loud enough to be heard. He began walking in any direction to what he thought was the source of the noise, but saw nothing immediately. Jeff searched as hard as he could, but slowly stopped and mumbled out to himself, "Where are you (Y/n)?........"   As if on cue, (Y/n) began to materialize from the darkness, he was surrounded by two different versions of himself. One was his human self, and the other was a much more crazed version of his insane transformation. They were brutally attacking the (Y/n) that Jeff was searching for, trying to get closer, Jeff ran towards them to try and help him, but was kept back 100 feet from the three, unable to do anything. Slender was then behind him, "This isn't your fight, he is struggling with his past, future, and the forces of Zalgo. This is a battle between his mind and soul, if you interfere, it could damage his very existence." Jeff was terrified, his eyes began watering, he had never felt any emotion more powerful than that of which he was experiencing. He felt utterly powerless, as he began pounding on the invisible wall with all of his strength, but as moments passed he began to grow weak, slowly falling to his knees, and sobbing in defeat. He kept his eyes glued to the fight in front of him, his mind was flowing with relentless images of him being forever alone without (Y/n) by his side. Jeff thought back to all the times he saw him smiling, when he was in agonizing pain without him..... because of him. 

(Y/n) however was fighting a losing battle, he was fighting with the little strength he had left, feeling waves of fire like pain. When he was focused on his insane version he felt rage, pain, sadness, and loneliness, but a possibility of being exponentially stronger. When he focused on fighting his human self, he felt empty, like there was no hope in anything. (Y/n) then got an idea, he swiftly brought his hands up to form a bright dark blue shield around himself. Closing his eyes, he created a dagger from the light, then forcefully plunged the blade into his human selves' throat. The crazed version began hysterically laughing, as he and (Y/n) merged into one, being brought to his knees out of weakness. He clutched at his head, as he forced himself to his feet again, stumbling to his right. He felt the voices expand, grow louder, and much more vicious. He groaned, screamed, laughed, and cried in shear agony, "HeheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...  hehehehahahaha                     ahahaha         ahahahaha,..." Jeff turned to Slender as he watched the one he loved slip through his fingers yet again. "Slender, what the fuck is happening..?" He looked down to the very distraught Jeff, "We'll have to find out." In an instant, he was back in Slender's office, and watched as he removed his hand from his face. As he removed his hand from (Y/n)'s head, he eyes moved back to normal position, and he fell back into the chair unconscious. Jeff moved towards the closest wall and leaned against it, exhausted. Slender however looked towards the two boys in fascination, 'Just how far will he go to save him, I wonder....' he thought, "Watch over him Jeffery." He nodded in understanding, moved to (Y/n), and carried him to the door and left. 

Slowly walking up the stairs he ran into Laughing Jack, to whom looked down at the unconscious (Y/n) and passed without uttering a single word. Jeff was grateful for the gesture and continued on towards his room, opening it silently, then carefully placed (Y/n) in his bed. He then walked back to the door, shut and locking the handle instantaneously, then lazily removing his hoodie. Looking over at the sleeping figure made him feel more worry than he could bare, he felt he wanted to slaughter an entire town, and yet refused to leave (Y/n) for even half an hour. Jeff decided to lay next to him as well as wrap his arms protectively around his waist. "I can't lose you again.... I won't be able to live through that... I lo-..... *sigh* Just stay with me (Y/n)." Worried about whether or not he'll be alive in the morning, he slowly and gently kissed the side of his neck, then drifted off in an endless abyss of unconsciousness. (Y/n) slightly smiled in his sleep at the feeling of Jeff's presence upon him, whispering he gently spoke, ".......Jeff...... I.......... love.. you....... " They both remained still, dreaming of each other and the horrors they both have faced in such a short amount of time, unknowing of the destruction yet to come.

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