Chapter Twenty- Three

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(Warning: Shit gets fucked up in this chapter 👌)

Three days had passed and Jeff decided it was time to release (Y/n), unknowing of what to expect of his changed beloved. As he opened the door, he immediately located (Y/n) sitting lazily against the wall, glaring up at Jeff annoyed, "So, finally decided to came and play huh?" Jeff shook his head and casually made his way over to him, not caring of when he scrambled closer to him in an attempt to attack him, "I'm going to fuck you up, you piece of shit." he growled. Jeff chuckled, "Soon, all good things come to those who wait." (Y/n) tilted his head to the left, then the right, "You have no idea what I have in store for you." He menacingly spat out, only making Jeff all the more excited, "Well then I'd better hurry up, shouldn't I?" He unlocked the metal cuffs keeping him chained to the wall, but then holding him to the wall by the throat. (Y/n) struggled to get free from Jeff's powerful grip, making Jeff even more intrigued, "You're so fucking hot when you want to kill me, keep talking." He deviously whispered into his ear, biting it slightly, (Y/n) rolled his eyes, "You're a wickedly execrable narcissist and a degenerate simple- minded cesspool of sub- human filth. You disgust me by how I can turn you on just with simple words, so revolting." Jeff drew closer to him, wanting to take him right there, but instead tightened his grip, "We're going to have to have privacy when we do this, we should wait till we're upstairs." Jeff whispered while grinding on him and breathing in his sent, "Fuck, you smell so good.." (Y/n) found this to be the best time to put his plan into action, removing his hands from the hand around his throat, then aggressively pulled Jeff closer into him and whispered into his ear silently, "I'm going to torture you within an inch of your life, you fucking heathen." Jeff looked lustfully into his eyes, and "dragged" him out of the room, up the stairs, and into his room, instantly locking the door. Jeff was taken off guard when he was grabbed and forcefully shoved to the bed on the floor. (Y/n) then turned and went to Jeff's dresser, looking through each drawer until he found what he missed the most, a bottle of vodka and an extremely sharp knife. Jeff sat up, and removed his shirt and lied back down, but all (Y/n) did was open the bottle and start drinking it like water. He then climbed on top of Jeff and straddled his waist, making Jeff even more impatient. He grabbed (Y/n)'s thighs and ass, loving the feel of his weight on top of him, he then felt the bottle at his lips and a clear command, "Drink." He did so gratefully, never wavering eye contact for as long as possible. Just as he finished, he felt a cold blade run painfully down his chest, making him shiver. "Fuuck..." he whispered out. He was barely able to contain himself from attacking him, wanting to know how far (Y/n) will go and still letting him be in control.

(Y/n) rubbed his finger over the fresh wound and smeared the blood around, then put his finger to Jeff's mouth, "Lick it." to which he did. Circling and wrapping his tongue around it, Jeff watched (Y/n) lean down and lick the excess blood from his chest, making Jeff shiver harder. (Y/n) took note, and made an even deeper gash lower on his stomach, and aggressively sucked and licked the heavily bleeding injury. Jeff slightly opened his mouth in joy at the feeling, (Y/n) however stopped and glared up, "Who told you to stop?" Jeff then hastily began sucking on his finger again. (Y/n) smirked and continued with his work, cutting him up then sucking on the blood until Jeff was panting and clutching at the bed to keep still. (Y/n) then stopped and got to his feet, towering over the vulnerable Jeff, he then removed his shirt at an agonizing speed. Jeff watched as he grazed his hand over his bleeding torso and arms, reveling in the feeling. Just as he watched him remove his pants, Jeff quickly got to his feet and forced him to the bed. Holding him down, he began to attack his groin with his mouth through his underwear, then ultimately moving it out of the way. Earning a surprise moan from (Y/n) by the unexpected actions, but enjoying every second by thrusting into Jeff's mouth. Every noise Jeff let out by accident sent vibrations into (Y/n) causing a twitch. Jeff then slowly lifted his head to look at (Y/n) as he removed his pants as well. Crawling over him, he rested over his shoulders with his dick in hand and held (Y/n)'s hair, "Suck it."(Y/n) hesitantly obliged as Jeff thrusted into his mouth sloppily, "Holy fucking shit (Y/n), *moan* I've missed you so fucking much." After minutes and minutes of this, Jeff finally retracted from him and moved slowly downwards, starting with making out with him, then attacking his neck, then leaving a trail of bites and kisses to his lower abdomen. Completely removing (Y/n)'s underwear as he went, but once said action had been completed (Y/n) tried to get the upper hand but was thwarted by Jeff's strong grasp on his hands now above his head. He then turned him from on his back till he was faced down, "Stay right there (Y/n), you look so fuckin hot like this." He then lied down upon him, and began kissing and biting his neck, making (Y/n) accidently let out more feminine sounding moans which made Jeff almost lose complete control of himself. He grabbed a condom from his nightstand and put it on, positioning himself over (Y/n) slowly. (Y/n) was supposed to be the one to do this to Jeff, but when he was finally alone with him, his instincts kicked in over his plan. His mind was empty but running wild with an overload of senses being stimulated.

He then felt something warm and slick rubbing against his ass, but couldn't look back due to Jeff still assaulting his neck roughly, making him almost forget about the strangely familiar feeling. "*muffled moan* What's happening Jeff...?" He then felt his arms wrap around his torso and grip his hair, "Just breath baby, it's going to be okay." Then it happened, he felt Jeff plunge into him slowly, but he refused to release a single whimper of pain but failed miserably, "Oh fuck, Jeff *whimper* *moan* go slow for now ahh." Jeff chuckled, "Don't worry baby, I got you." He then began moving at an incredibly slow pace, which aggravated him but never complained about how amazing he felt, "You feel so good (Y/n), keep talking to me." (Y/n) was panting and biting his lip, "*Grunt* You're so fucking big Jeff, how do you even fit. I feel so filled when you're inside me *moan*" He then got an idea, "You're such a disgusting waste of air, you don't deserve to feel pleasure, you're nothing to anyone." He then felt Jeff bite him on the shoulder and gradually picked up his speed, "*groan* Don't stop, tell me how much of a worthless pig I am." Flipping (Y/n) onto his back, he began to fuck him again causing his eyes to roll to the back of his head, "Holy fucking shit, *moan* *moan* don't...... stop... You're a swine to the very existence of the earth, you are absolutely macabre, and you repulse every fiber of my being." This made Jeff move a little bit faster and grip (Y/n)'s hair all the more tighter, "Fuck baby, choke me out *moan*." He did so as Jeff began stroking his dick, making (Y/n) completely go limp into a moaning mess, making Jeff have to cover his mouth as he held one of his legs on his right shoulder. "I'm so close baby, *moan* how about you?" he asked breathlessly, but (Y/n) couldn't even speak, all he could do was grasp at Jeff's hand and forearm weakly, with a half open mouth and desperate eyes fixed on Jeff trying to stay open. He then felt Jeff move his hand around his member at an extremely fast rate, as he moved in and out of him sloppily. Just before he was pushed over the edge, he felt (Y/n) clench and convulse around him as he tensed up on the bed. Jeff then quickly pulled out and removed the condom seconds before he came all over (Y/n)'s stomach, clutching at his thigh firmly. As they both came down from their high, Jeff collapsed next to (Y/n), both were panting and exhausted. Jeff then slowly moved closer to (Y/n) and held him in his arms, "Jeff, you're despicable." Jeff chuckled and nuzzled into his neck, "Don't get me hard again, I don't think I have it in me for another go." They then slowly drifted off into a deep sleep each in each others arm, dreaming of only chaotic scenes.

Bonus Ending:

As the room grew silent behind the door, Ben elbowed Laughing Jack in the stomach and held out his hand, "Hand it over, I totally called it." L.J. rolled his eyes as he handed over his only controller to the shorter elf, "I totally could have won." Ben laughed quietly, "Pah- lease, they've been dying to fuck ever sense (Y/n) got here." As they began walking down the hall, L.J. began laughing, "I wonder who was on top." Ben smacked him, but then started laughing hysterically as well, at the thought of Jeff being a "bottom bitch".

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