The Island

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My fairytale moment ended as quickly as it had begun, everywhere I looked I could see blood. The world seemed to bright and too dark all at once. The edges of my vision started to blur and the island slowly tilted to the side. I saw a couple of people run towards me as I started to fall. The pain from my ankle slowly faded away and then everything went black.


At first I could only hear people mumbling but after a few minutes my vision came back I was lying underneath a tree. When I looked around I saw three people sitting a few metres away, one of them saw me and came over. She looked japanese, with chocolate coloured eyes that were soft and kind. She looked like she was a bit over forty. As I tried to sit up she helped me and gave me a cloth. I must have looked confused because she motioned to her face and made a circular motion. I gently dabbed the cloth on my face and looked at it. Bits of dried blood clung to the cloth, the kind lady looked pleased so I continued. She was probably someones mother, back home she would have a family who would be worried. Maybe a child who was wondering if mummy would ever come home. I pushed these thoughts away, I'd read in books that it is essential to keep a positive attitude.  


After I'd finished washing my face I hobbled back towards the other people. It had gotten really dark and I barely see my hands in front of my face. I tripped over a tree root pain lancing up my leg. I sat down hoping the pain would die down. I stood up and nearly blacked out but I slowly made my way towards the group. 

The group had set up in a clearing a little way up from the beach. If you looked closely you could still see some of the debris from the aircraft on the beach. We were pretty lucky to have landed in the water otherwise fires would have gotten to the fuel by now. I could see some small fires burning on the beach from others that had crash landed. 

As I walked into the clearing an old man came and helped me to the centre of the clearing. The old man introduced himself as Mark. His accent sounded like he was from Canada and he said that he had been travelling to sons wedding in Norway. As he said it his eyes went all sad and I saw small tears well up in his eyes. I shuffled closer to him and gave him a hug. He stiffened at the unexpected gesture but soon relaxed. 

"I'm fine, but you aren't. We need to set your ankle and make you a splint." He said before dissapearing into the trees. The Japanese lady went with him.


"He probably just needs to be alone. Anyway my name is Clara" A girl said from the other edge of the clearing.  

"We all need a moment alone sweetie. We've all been through so much in the last couple of hours." I replied sighing.

The girl nodded. She looked like she was in her 20's and spoke with a slight accent. She was such a pretty thing, she had black hair with the brightest blue eyes. If it wasn't for this crash she could have been a model. Although she had escaped reasonably unharmed she had huge bruises on her arms and legs. One on her arm even looked like someone had gripped her. 

"Are you okay?" I asked "I know it sounds like a stupid question but you look like you've had a fight with the amount of bruises you've got."

"I was sitting next to a door and when I was trying to open it the guy next to me was screaming his head off and tried to claw at me. When I was trying to get him off me the door fell on my arm and legs. I was lucky it didn't do any other serious injuries. The man next to me wasn't so lucky though." She said. She had drawn her knees to her chest and had a look of terror on her face. "You don't look that much better though with that gash on your forehead and you hobbling around."

I laughed."I guess you're right no escaped unharmed whether physically or mentally."

"I can fix you physically but I sure as hell can't fix you mentally."


Mark had arrived back with two short sticks. He came over and sat them down next to me. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and started to strip the bark off the branches. The Japanese lady had come and sat down next to Clara and had rested and arm over her shoulder to comfort her. She noticed me looking and smiled, I smiled back. I looked back to Mark, he had finished stripping the bark off the branches and had cut them to roughly the same length. 


"Alright, Firstly I have to cut your pants at the knee so I can see what your leg is like." Mark carefully cut away the cloth as he said this. I heard his sharp intake in breath and knew it couldn't be good. "I will have to set it your ankle doesn't look too great." He looked up at my face, "This is gonna hurt and I'm sorry but I have nothing to help you with the pain. I am gonna have to set your ankle straight again by pulling your foot out towards me."

"On the count of three," He said, "One, TWO!" He pulled on my ankle and I struggled to stay awake. He had stopped pulling and looked up at me. "You're gonna be alright. It's done now I will just put on the splint and then it will all be OK." 

He said it soothingly as you would to a horse. I watched him as he grabbed a bandage from his pocket and started to slowly wind it around my ankle and then slowly slotting the two sticks in and tying up the bandage. 

"You a doctor or something?" Clara asked.

"Yes I used to work at North York General Hospital in emergency." He said as he sat with his back rested on one of the trees. "Tomorrow I will make some shelter and make this place a bit nicer but for now we should rest."

I gladly agreed and took off my jumper to make a pillow before falling to sleep.


Hi sorry that took awhile but I hope you enjoy it.

I wonder what the island will hold for them. 

I hope you enjoy the chapter and I shall try to write more.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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