I cheated.

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Harry's POV

... If Harry loves me, he will do it. This we're the words that lingered my head all night.

Why Lucille. I can't stand a minute without you and now you're telling me that i can't fly to see you? 

Knock knock.

"Come in." i said. "Hey mate." Louis and El walked in. See? A pang of Jealousy hitted me in my heart. Not because i like El but, the jealousy i have for the relationship of Louis and El. I really miss Lucille so much. 

"I can't take this anymore." i threw the pillow at the wall and cried on my knees. Lou and Eleanor hugged and calmed me down. "Shh. It's gonna be alright Harry." Louis said. "If she really loves you, she will come back. Maybe not today, or Maybe not tomorrow.." i cutted off Eleanor's sentece.

"BUT WHEN!." I shouted. Eleanor just patted my back.

"At a certain time. Just give her space. She loves you Harry. So much, she could jump off a cliff just for you." Eleanor said. 

"Okay? Goodnight Hazza. We have to sleep." Eleanor kissed my forehead and Lou hugged me and they exited the room. This night was filled with tears and sorrows most especially there was like a bullet the struck my heart because of the pain i feel inside.

Lucille's POV

Here i am. Landing in New York City, my home.

I got off the plane wearing my shades and walked to the lobby to meet my dad,

Until a lot of camera's and reporter's and paps are urging around me,"Lucille! Lucille! Is it true that you and Harry Styles broke up?." One reporter asked. I nodded.

"Lucille. Lucille! Is it true that your mom is resigning from being a manager from One direction because of this breakup?." What the? No way. 

I slid down my glasses and stop. "No. Nothing's gonna affect between my mom's job and my relationship. This breakup revolves around between me and Harry only." i said.

"Why did you break up?." One reporter asked. Lucille. Think. What's best for Harry and One Direction.

"I cheated on him." wow. The best lie ever Lucille. Everyone gasped. I ran to my dad and hugged him and cried. Papparazzi's we're following me everywhere asking about Harryy.

I'd rather be invisble than being like this. I lied for Harry. Threats. Haters. Goodbye life. At least, it's for their career. 

Harry's POV

At the Studio, Me and the lads with Eleanor and Mrs. Jackson are watching the news.

"Lucille! Lucille! Is it true that you and Harry Styles broke up?." She just nodded and continued walking. 

"Lucille. Lucille! Is it true that your mom is resigning from being a manager from One direction because of this breakup?." she stopped and put down her shades.

"What kind of question is that YOU freak?!!." Mrs. Jackson shouted. She almost threw the bottle she's holding on the television. 

"No. Nothing's gonna affect between my mom's job and my relationship. This breakup revolves around between me and Harry only." Lucille said. 

"That's my daughter." Mrs. Jackson calmed down already.

"Why did you break up?." one reporter asked. Shit. This is it. Would she tell? I sipped some rootbeer.

"I cheated on him." i spitted my rootbeer. and dropped it. All eyes were on me. How could she do that. Shit. Shit. MAJOR SHIT.

"Did she just say she cheated on you?." Eleanor looked at me. I really can't believe what Lucille said.  

Mrs. Jackson walked outside to call someone.

"I can't believe she did that." Harry said.

"Okay. Okay. It's okay honey. I'm not mad. Don't cry What you did was wrong. Okay? Stay away from the paps and reporters. See you soon. Love you honey." Mrs. Jackson walked inside. Looking not happy, not mad just straight face.

"Harry. She saved your image." Mrs. Jackson said. "She told you?." i asked. "Yes. And she said, you owe her big time and that big time is stay away from her." her mom said. It broke my heart so much,

"D-did she say that?." i asked. "Yes. I won't get in the fight. Like what lucille said, it's between you and her fight only and i respect that." Thankyou her mom's so kind.

"Who's the girl anyway?." her mom asked while drinking the bottle of water infront of me. I gulped. "Ally Moore." her mom spitted her drink infront of me. "Sorry Harry!." She softly slapped my head.

"What was that for?." i said. "That's for picking a bimbo over my daughter." her mom said. "We broke up way before i started dating Lucille." i said. "But why did she leave?." she asked.

"Ally attacked her." i said. "SHE WHAT?!." her mom got furious. "Yes. She went to the house." i said,.

"When i see her. I will crush her to pieces." her mom said. "I'll join you Ms. J!." Eleanor shouted.


Sorry. So shorrt. I'll post a long one at the next promise.. :)) 

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