Chapter 1: A New Enemy

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3rd Person POV

Location: Ginza, Tokyo, Japan

Date: July 12, 2043

         Itami Youji, a sergeant of the JSDF on leave, was currently walking calmly whilst reading an anime convention magazine. His face held a smile that would rival All Might's in terms of creepiness... the reason behind that? Oh... it turns out to be NSFW, sorry. Instead, let's say that he saw this, ok? Here:

        Moving on swiftly, Itami had been walking for a good few minutes that he had managed to barely reach the top of the Ginza Metro exit

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        Moving on swiftly, Itami had been walking for a good few minutes that he had managed to barely reach the top of the Ginza Metro exit. Note the word "barely". The poor bugger, whilst climbing up the stairs bumped onto a railing, and fell. A simple "Ouch" was heard from said 33 year-old man as he picked himself up, and continued on his merry way to the henta- *ahem* anime convention.

        When he finally managed to get out of the metro, he wandered to a nearby observation railing. In the distance, he perceived the shapes of people running. But from what? Mysterious winged creatures soared above the streets of the urban zone with people upon their backs.

       Below were also strange, though humanoid creatures, each dwarfing a literal army of... Roman Legionnaires and English knights? Itami couldn't believe his eyes, but when he saw the warriors start attacking the civilians unfortunate enough to get in their way, he let loose his inner army man. With that, he rushed to a nearby policeman.

        "Officer! Officer!" Itami yelled, gaining the man's attention, "the Imperial Palace! Start an evacuation to the Imperial Palace!"

       "Who're you to tell me what to do?!" the officer rudely responded.

      "A soldier from the fucking army, that's who! Now get to that evac! Now if you don't believe me, here!"

        Itami handed the man a phone. The officer's eyes widened as he heard whoever was on the other side.

      "R-right, yes sir," the officer said as he scampered off. He spoke into his radio to alert his fellow companions. Before any one knew it, the police had gathered a massive crowd of terrified fleeing civilians and began herding them towards the Imperial Palace.

         A few minutes later, Itami received an incoming transmission. After reading it, he went to alert the police.

        "The 4th Armoured Division as well as some other elements from the JSDF are on their way!"

        "Understood," replied an officer before returning to his task.

         Suddenly, Itami's phone pinged, indicating another message. He looked down and began reading it. His eyes widened the more he read it. A 'special guest' would soon make his appearance.

         "I wonder who that could be?" Itami asked aloud.

Rewind to before appearance of Gate.

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