Chapter 2: Through the Gate

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Abrams' POV

         "Still haven't been able to get an answer outta them?" I asked the interrogation officer walking alongside me.

         "No, Major," she replied, "nothing. They've been a massive pain ever since we took them in."

         "Don't worry, lieutenant, I'll crack them open."

         "Uhh, sir, that won't be-"

         The lieutenant was interrupted by a captain running towards us.

        "Sir," he began, panting slightly, "the equipment's ready."

        "Good," I replied, "oh, and captain?"

        "Yes sir?"

        "Have a cleaning crew nearby..."

        "Understood," and with that, the man ran off. I turned back to the woman beside me.

        "Where were we, lieutenant?"

        "At the end of our conversation. Sir," she replied.

        "Ah. Well then, thank you for the report. You're dismissed. Have a good day, why don't you?"

        "Yes sir," the lieutenant saluted, and she walked briskly towards the exit. I, on the other hand continued walking towards the interrogation room, in which three insurgents were cuffed to chairs.

       The guards nearby saluted, a gesture which I returned. I opened the door to said room, closing it behind me as I entered. I looked up to see if the camera was recording, and to my fortune: it wasn't. This room was also secretly made to not be seen into, and out of, as well as to be soundproof. I looked over the three prisoners and clasped my hands and walked over to the prisoners.

        "So!" I began, startling one of them, "how was the reception? Was it great? Did you have fun? I sincerely hope you had fun, riding in on those horses and massacring civilians. Now, why did I ask if you had fun? Well, that will also be the question you'll be asking once we're done."

        All three glared at me. I saw this and fixed my gaze on the first.

       "Hello there! 'General Kenobi', you say... oh, never mind. I'm gonna be serious with you. What was your objective? Why did you start killing all the innocents?"

        The insurgent spoke angrily in an unknown language and spat in my face. I brought my hand up, and wiped myself off, before smiling widely.

       "You're going to regret that," suddenly, my fist whipped straight into his eye, crushing it completely in one blow. The chair also tipped over, and the man's head hit the floor, hard. He howled in pain, but only briefly as I brought him back up to face me.

       "I'm not going to repeat myself. Answer the question, and you may have a positive chance of coming out alive," I said, wiping that smile away.

         The man, again yelled something at me, and spat in my face. And again, I wiped it off, but I went to the cart nearby, and pulled out a massive wrench. I walked towards him and looked down. He too looked to where I was looking, then back to me with eyes full of fear. I walked forwards slowly and raised the wrench before swinging it down hard between the man's legs, right on the family jewels.

          He screamed and writhed in pain, but he still didn't speak, so I grabbed the jumper cords from the cart. I brought both clips together, swiftly, causing them to spark and all three prisoners to quake in terror. I looked over to the first guy, and brought both clips to his chest, electrocuting him (what a shocker). Finally, he gave out, and died right there. I scoffed and went back to the cart to grab a pair of pliers.

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