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My eyes slowly open, squinting due to the sunlight coming through the window. What time is it? 10:30. Okay. I turn my head to see my phone ringing. Birdie. Quickly grabbing it, I answer.

"Heyy!" She says in a sing song voice.

"Oh. Hey." I say tiredly. Today's the day.

"So uh... Carter.." She begins. She doesn't need to finish because I know what she's saying. Carter's moving in today. Yay.

"Yeah I know." I say, rubbing my eyes. "So.. when is he coming?" I hear her sigh on the other line.

"Um...They're making him leave now." What the- "But he won't have to come to your place until later."

"And when's later?" I ask, hopeful I don't sound annoyed. She stays quiet for a few seconds. "In 2 hours...?" She says quietly.

"Oh. Okay. Talk to you later." I quickly hang up, falling back into bed, sinking into the mattress.

Well, I better clean up. Forcing myself to get up, I make my way to the bathroom to freshen up and change. Once I'm done, I walk back out, picking up the clothes I always throw around. Someone's going to come live with you Isabella. Quit being such a slob.

Waiiit. A thought hits me. Where the hell is he even gonna sleep? The spare room, that I use as my 'extra stuff' room. Great. Making my way into it, I take a look around. There isn't much in there, basically just boxes, and a mattress, and some other stuff. Well, What are you waiting for idiot? I grab one of the boxes, and open it. A couple of posters and stuff. Deciding on just taking them into my room, I drag them out of the spare room and into the closet of mine. God knows how I fit it in there. This continues until most of my stuff is in the trash. I hadn't even realized I didn't need half the stuff I have. The room is now empty, except for the mattress, that I covered with a white fitted sheet and put a pillow on, better get to cleaning. I grab my vacuum and begin vacuuming the dusty area. I wipe the window sill, and the windows. Done. I quickly check the time. 12:15. Just in time. My head falls back as I sink into the couch, obviously tired. Okay so, a guy, my best friend's brother to be exact, is moving into my apartment, because he has nowhere to stay. Not to mention the fact that he saw me being stupid while drunk. This'll be interesting.

Ding Dong!

And there he is. I make my way to the door, yawning as I unlock it. I swing it open to reveal Birdie.

"Hey." I smile

"Hii." She says happily. That's the thing about Birdie, you'll never see her without a smile on her face.

She turns to look next to her and motions for him to come. Carter steps in, a groan following. He's got a suitcase, and he awkwardly stands there, as If waiting for instructions.

"Aaaand I'll leave." Birdie says, running off laughing. I close the door and turn to Carter. He just stares at me emotionless.

"Okayy." I break the silence. "Follow me." I make my way to the room, Carter trailing behind like a lost puppy. I show him his room and he walks in, completely ignoring me.

"Wow... you're welcome.." I mutter with a roll of my eyes, earning a huff from him.

Be nice. Even though he's a bitch.

"Okay then, get settled and whatever, and there's food in the kitchen if you want-" He slams the door in my face. "Wow, okay screw you too." I say, making sure he can hear me, then walk back into my room, sitting onto my bed with a huff.


hi yall sorry for the short chapter

Update: guys I posted this a while ago apparently it didnt show up. So its a re-repost

Much love,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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