The paper

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Warning: this chapter will have mentions of self-harm

Yoongi got home an sat on the couch waiting anxiously for his father to get home hoping he wasn't mad or drunk, the door opens and his father walked in the house, Yoongi got up he was scared to walk up to his Father but he got the courage to do so.

-H-Hey Dad um I need you to sign this paper for a school trip-

His father looked at him and backhanded Yoongi in the face

- Is this just another trick for you to just get out of this house Yoongi, I'm done with your bullshit excuses-

His father slammed his hand on the table, Yoongi was glad he was only smacked in the face, but Yoongi wanted to go on this trip badly so when his Father went to sleep, he looked in his Dad's bag and found a document with his signature on it Yoongi went into his room,and forged his father's signature on to the permission slip

-I hope this will work-

Yoongi quietly said to himself, he sneaks back into the living room put the paper back in his father's bag and slowly went back to his room but before he can make it his father woke up.


His father yelled Yoongi slowly walk back into the living room his father looked down at his bag, Yoongi's face was pale he had forgotten to zip his father's bag back up.

-why is my bag open Yoongi?-

-I don't know -

Yoongi father was mad because of something so little, Yoongi knew what was coming next, soon he was on the floor in pain, his father kick I'm several times in stomach Yoongi felt like he was going to throw up, his father picked him up and pinned him against the wall.

-Listen don't look through my stuff ever again alright -

-I didn't look through your stuff-

Yoongi said facing his Father with no expression, his father replied.

-then who did, Casper the friendly ghost-

Yoongi stared to laugh a little, his father got even angrier than he was before he picked him up off the wall and bang his head against it, then punched him in the face Yoongi fell to the floor, his nose bleeding Yoongi saw the blood drip on to the floor along with his tear he tried to get up again but then his Father kicked him in the stomach causing Yoongi to spit up blood.

- You are disgusting -

His father said while walking away, Yoongi crawled to the bathroom in tears, he was done with everything he got up and went to the sink and looked in the mirror seeing the blood on his face triggered a dark thought in his mind ,he rummaged through the drawers in the bathroom finally found out he was looking for ................... a blade

Yoongi lifted his sleeve to reveal some deep and shallow cuts on his arm along with burn marks and bruises, he took the blade and slid it across his wrist several times, Yoongi made about 4 or 5 cuts he watched the blood trickle down his arm until it reaches the floor, at this moment he felt numb felt no emotion ,some people wouldn't be able to stand living like this but he wasn't living he was just existing, in the world that hated him as much as he hated himself

Yoongi wiped the blood off him are with a towel get looked in the mirror one more time before going into his room, he laid on his bed and thought to himself.

- hey, at least you got the slip signed-

He chuckled holding the paper in his hand he eventually fell asleep.

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