You're just like your father

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 Yoongi woke up but Jimin was not next to him Yoongi got up still half asleep and saw Jimin sleeping on the in the living room ,he leaned over and kissed Jimin on the head then Yoongi remembered that today they would be going home and he would have to deal with his father , Jimin woke up to see his boyfriend

Jimin: Yoongi why did you  say i love you to Tae in your sleep

Yoongi: what,i said that

Jimin:yeah you did ,now what would give you the reason to say that

Yoongi: U-um*exhales in gay panic*  Okay  the day you asked me out and the day me and Tae left you guys I didnt really get stung by a bee um what really happened was he took me to this hidden trail and he um h-

Jimin: He what?

Yoongi looked at Jimin and saw the sadness and anger in his eyes he didn't want to tell him what happened but he had to ,he didn't want to lie to someone he loved 

Yoongi: He kissed me and I-I kissed him back

Jimin sat with is eyes widen shock about what he just heard he wanted slap him in the face but also wanted to cry. his mixed feelings got the best of him. he stood up and smack Yoongi across the face,Jimin was about to run out the door but Yoongi grabbed his wrist, Jimin was scared the dark look Yoongi had in his eyes scared him. tears ran down his cheeks 

Jimin: Y-yoongi s-stop that hurts 

Yoongi came back to reality and saw what is had done say the tears running down his boyfriend's cheek, he was acting  like his father someone he hated some much he let go of jimin wrist and jimin ran out the room Yoongi fell to his knees and punched the floor, he couldn't believe what he had done



Yoongi had his stuff packed like the other and everyone else, he felt bad for what he had one i went to look for Jimin but he saw that Jungkook was yelling at Taehyung about what happened between them


Tae: Kookie i'm sorry but we weren't together at the moment of time neither were jimin and yoongi. so i dont know why you and jimin are freaking out 

jungkook saw yoongi standing in the door way and walked over to him 

Jungkook: you didn't have to kiss him back 

he said under his breath. Yoongi and Taehyung felt  like shit, but Tae is right there is no need for them to freak out about it they were not together but Jimin loved yoongi and jungkook loved Taehyung and the fact that they kissed even if they were together or not it hurt them a lot.

Taehyung:  Min Yoongi  why- why did you saw "I love you"

Yoongi: I-I don't know i wish i could take it back 


 the bus came and now that everything was settled and people were forgiven. Namjoon sat with Jin and Hoseok, Jimin sat with Yoongi and Tae sat with Jungkook.

The bus ride was long and quite Yoongi was scared to go home he didnt want to deal with his father, so to get the thought out of his head he laid down on Jimin's lap and fell asleep, Jimin looked at his  arm and saw deep red scars the look very recent Jimin out of respect for his boyfriend rolled up is sleeve so no one else would see.

 A/N: i know that Jin Hoseok and Namjoon have not been in the story that much and im trying to find a place to put them im sorry for any Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon stans

Soon they arrived at the school and everyone had to call there parents to come pick them but Yoongi didn't want to deal with his father and he knew if he went home it would be hell, so he started to walk to where ever he could go, the bar, the park or just sleep at the train station to stay away from his father but before he could even walk away 

Namjoon: Hey you need a ride home in taking Jin and Hoseok home 

Yoongi: Um i was going to walk but ........sure 

Yoongi but his stuff in the car and got in, the ride was  very loud either it was Jin laughing Namjoon trying to sing or Hoseok screaming they all laughed at each other 

Jin: Im Hungry

Namjoon: Okay lets get something to eat 

so they stopped a Korean BBQ place to get food  you show know they got a lot of food because of Jin they sat down and started to eat Yoongi didnt eat much but that was cause they ate a lot of snacks on the bus

Jin: hey why did the scarecrow win any award

Namjoon: Oh my god jin really a dad joke now

Jin: cause he was the most Outstanding i the field

 everyone stared laughing even thought the joke was not even that fun

Yoongi: Hey can I stay at someones place cause the forgot my keys and my father is not home 

Hoseok: You can stay with me 

Yoongi :Okay thank you 

Yoongi said with a cute gummy smile

Jin: Your smile is so cute 

Yoongi: and you sound like a wind sheild wiper when you laugh 

Namjoon: Ouch that's a bit harsh Yoongi 

Hoseok: I mean he's not lying about it

Jin :Heeeeeeeeeey!

 the all started laughing again and then finished their food paid and left Namjoon dropped off Jin then Hosoek and Yoongi

Namjoon: bye guys 

Yoongi: bye

Hoseok: bye 

They walked up to the door and Hoseok unlocked it,when he opened the door his mom was in the kitchen cleaning

Hoseok: Hey mom 

Mrs.Jung: Hey ,oh who is this 

she said looking at Yoongi

Yoongi:Oh Im Min Yoongi

Mrs.Jung: Well nice to meet you 

Hoseok: Well we will be upstairs 

Mrs.Jung: Okay

They head upstairs to Hoseok's room which was huge his bed had a sprite pillow on it, they  stayed up all night talking about they trip and about Yoongi and Jimin.

A/N : I hope you liked this chapter srry i have not be uploading that much lately school and the fact that im grounded makes me sad anyway love yall hoes bai <3 <3

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