1st Stage

710 21 12

I'M SO TERRIBLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A VERY LONG TIME! You know how I said I'd do "a lot of research," right? Turns out that I really do suck at cycling stuff (゜▽゜;) He he, sowwie (*m*) Anyway, please just make do with what I have.... Sowwie....


By a single wave of Teshima's hand, they all pedalled out of the school gate, Imaizumi in front with the rest trailing behind him. Kanzaki's van started to follow the pack as well.

Turning onto the road, they halted at the intersection. While cars and other vehicles drove past, Yuki couldn't help but observe in silent amazement: she had never been on such a busy road before. A loud horn beeped to their right, catching everyone's attention. It was a large delivery truck. Yuki froze.

"Why is that truck causing such a ruckus?!" Naruko yelled, "Shaddup!"

"No, you "shaddup," you're the one causing a ruckus!" Imaizumi almost covered his mouth.

The sound of glass smashing and tyres screeching stung Yuki's ears. Her palms started to shift mindlessly and her fingers grew numb. The tips of her fingernails faded into a pale colour as dense as snowflakes. This always happened. Her body always acted before her mind. Fear? Sadness? Anger? Happiness? It was a long time ever since she's felt a slight twinge of it, or even identified it.

But all of those displays of worry and concern?

They were confusing.

It was as if her body acted on impulse.

Impulse of her older self.

No matter how much she tried to reach for those lost emotions and feelings, she always remained hollow.

She was just a mere hollow shell of the girl she used to know, trust, be......

and feel.


Teshima placed a hand on her shoulder, "Can we talk for a little while?"

Yuki simply nodded.

Circling around the clubroom to the shade the building offered, Yuki noticed her application form protruding from his hand.

"If things get tough, or if you aren't comfortable, you can easily decline our offer and give up your position," he spoke in a genuinely concerned tone, "We aren't forcing you in on anything."

Yuki directed her gaze upon him, remaining silent.

"It's because of my emotions, am I correct?" Yuki played her monotonous voice once again.

He merely smiled, placing a hand on her head to ruffle her hair, "Nope. Not at all."

Yuki was confused.

"I'm speaking to you now because, I can assure you, that you'll have the most fun times at Sohoku High's Cycling team," he grinned, "The members need you, and I'm sure of it," he gestured toward the boys, Naruko and Kaburagi were fighting in the distance, "You don't need to warm up just toward Onoda. All of the members are there for you as well- including me."

Yuki turned toward the sound of the two arguing, and the playful laughter the others shared.

She stared at her feet, a strange, tingling sensation bursting inside her chest. Her face muscles started to tense, as if they were about to curve into a small smile. But she stopped herself.

"I'd be very grateful, Teshima-san," Yuki bowed, trying her best to stop the strange sensation from overflowing.


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