A "Welcoming Race"

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I'm back! Yes, with the 6th chapter (finally)! I took forever to update because I was away on vacation for a few weeks ^^ Sowwie 0^0 So-uh- here is the chapter! <33


"YESSSS!" Naruko shouted, almost falling off his chair.

"What did you get?" Onoda was excited for him.

Naruko proudly held the sheet in his hand, "I got a 76!"

Slightly in disbelief, Imaizumi snatched it off him, "Let me see..." his eyes widened, "That's the best result you've ever got," he handed the sheet back to him.

"Gotta thank coach!" Naruko ran off.

"Is he really insisting on calling Yuki-san 'coach' already?" Onoda asked.

"Probably," Imaizumi responded.

Unexpectedly, Naruko entered the classroom again, slamming the sliding door. This frightened Onoda a little.

"I can't find coach! Where is she?" Naruko came over to the windows, looking below at the bike racks.

He almost missed her, since she was always so well-blended into the crowd.

Evidently, there Yuki was, locking up her luxurious black and white road racer. She had two chocolate pocky sticks in her mouth, and one earbud gently nestled into one of her ears.

"Hey, coach!!" Naruko yelled.

Yuki looked up at him, the same, plain, emotionless expression still holding up her pale exterior. She slung her backpack onto her shoulder, the shiny silver bells repeated a familiar twinkle.

"I got a 76!"

She stood there for a moment, the wind blowing a few strands of her hair.

She cupped her hands to her mouth, as if she was about to respond. Her mouth moved, but Naruko heard nothing but the rustle of the wind.


Yuki placed her hands by her side for a moment, repeating what she just did.

Naruko still couldn't hear a word.

"Just come up here! You're too quiet for your own good!" Imaizumi decided to solve it himself.

Yuki nodded, then she began to climb the stairs.

Imaizumi glared at him, "You do already realize that even up close, we can barely hear a word Yuki says, right?"

Naruko scratched his head, "Yeah..."

"Good morning."

Both of them turned. Naruko almost jumped.

Luckily, Imaizumi was adapting to Yuki's presence, "You made it up here quickly," he started a conversation, knowing her formalities.

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