(21) The Wedding pt.2

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Eliza's POV

Tommorow is the day that i am longing for.

"Alex?" I ask.

"Hmm...?" He said half asleep.

"I can't sleep, babe. I'm too excited!" I say quietly.

"Me too but you gotta sleep.." He said.

"You're right.." i say trying to sleep.

I can't help to think about my future. My future job and kids. Everything. It's like tommorow is the day where my future is about to be unlocked. About 5 minutes of thinking, i finally get some beauty sleep.

"Betsy.. Wake up.. It's 9 am" Alex said.

"Wait.. What?!" i say panicked.

"Don't worry, our wedding starts at 12am" Alex said.
I seriously forgot.

"But it takes time for us to get ready.." i said.

"Tell you what, you go take a shower first, kay?" He said pushing me to the bathroom.

"Fine." I said.

- Timeskip -

We've arrived at the building 30 minutes earlier. A few guests already arrived so It's kinda crowded but not too much. I go to the brides room to get my hair,clothes and makeup done. I have no money to hire a makeup artist and Angelica is willing to help so, why not?

"I like the outfit you picked out" Angelica said.

"It really suits you" Peggy said.

My dress is long-sleeved and it's white. On the skirt it has a minty blue accent and minty blue flowers on the waist line. And i put my hair on a bun but kept my bangs to the side. And Peggy picked out a flower crown in blue, of course.

"There, you looked perfect" Angie said after swiping some eyeshadow.

"Woaa...your good, Angie!" Peggy said.

"The dress already has tons of blue accent so i put more pinkish-gold on the make up" Angie explained.

"Thank you so much, Angelica" I say hugging her.

John's POV

"Lex, why the heck does your outfit's all blue?" Herc asks.

"Because, Eliza's dress is blue. Well actually white but there are a couple of blue's on there" Alex said.

"Hey 15 minutes left" i say reminding them.

"We're done, bro" Alex said.

"Man, you're so lucky" I said nudging him.

"Don't worry, soon you'll be at this place with peggy, John" Laff said.

"Thanks.." i said.

Me and Peggy hadn't graduate yet. And i am a year older than her.

Alex's POV
"Eliza.. Do you want to be my life partner..? - Alex said.

"I do" Eliza smiled.

Me and Eliza shared a long kiss but Eliza tend to NOT make it that long. It's okay, i can do it tonight ;) when we finally break apart, i looked to her beautiful eyes before finally looking to the crowd.

The party ended at 4pm and the only one remained is just me, Eliza, and the whole fam. We all drived home and decided to go to the bar.

"What do you wanna drink?" I ask Eliza.

"Just raspberry wine.. I don't wanna take it too far." She said.

"I thought we wanna have some fun tonight" i smirked.

"Oh we will" she said winking.

"Good then" i said taking my first glass.

- At home -

I'm drunk as hell.. I dranked 5 cups and now i'm dizzy.

"I..love..you" i say to Eliza passionetly kissing her.

"Love you too" She said with heavy breaths.

And we spend the rest of the night like that.

My life is going fine cause Eliza's in it (Hamilton X Eliza)Where stories live. Discover now