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Summary: Louis is everything Harry wants, everything he needs, Harry is everything Louis could ever want, but he still decides to tuck away his more than friendly feelings for the younger boy when he is fully aware that its pushing Harry to his absolute limits. It goes on and on, for months, when finally Harry cracks. And this is where our story begins and it ends in the most unpleasant way. 

Authors notes: This may or may not be updated regularly as I have school work and such and other fics, it really depends on the feedback this gets.

Warning: Mild swearing



Love is a constant cycle, a battle of wits, a game of anguish and cruelty. You’ll end up heartbroken and wounded, and stay like that until someone new comes around, and the cycle begins again. So why do we fall in love? Is it choice? Is it destined? Well I guess we’ll never know. But this particular story is about two boys who fell in love and completed the cycle that I’m going to call the ‘love circle’. Now don’t be mistaken, this is a story about love, but it is most definitely not a love story.


Harry’s P.O.V

11th of February 2011, 12:58 pm

The heavy wooden door swung shut slowly and a small click sounded from the catch. I sighed and leant back in the leather couch, 3 times this week Louis had gone out with her, leaving me alone in our small, homely apartment. You know the one we shared? Yeah, that one. My watch beeped, signalling the passing of yet another hour without him. It seemed like an eternity ago that I'd told Louis how I felt, pouring my heart out to him, only to have my words thrown back in my face, he'd told me he was 'wasn't gay' and that his feelings for me were 'no more than friendly'. Bull Fucking Shit. 

I fished my phone out of my tight jeans pocket, silently cursing myself for not trying them on before buying them. And that's when the idea came to me, however low and pitiful it was now, it seemed like a terrific idea at the time. I dialled the familiar number, my brain replaying all the hours spent together, even if my heart wasnt fully in it, she was still a lot of fun.

"Hello?" The all too familiar voice asked, her usually soft and velvety voice was muffled and crackly from the shitty phone connection.

I took a deep breath, "Hey Caroline."


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