Chapter 2

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Summary: Louis is everything Harry wants, everything he needs, Harry is everything Louis could ever want, but he still decides to tuck away his more than friendly feelings for the younger boy when he is fully aware that its pushing Harry to his absolute limits. It goes on and on, for months, when finally Harry cracks. And this is where our story begins and it ends in the most unpleasant way. 

Authors notes: This may or may not be updated regularly as I have school work and such and other fics, it really depends on the feedback this gets, 10+ comments/votes for another chapter x

Warning: Mild swearing

March 23rd, 2011, 8:53am

A loud banging sounded from my door, a constant, thunderous pounding, “Lou, get up” Harry groaned, continuing to bash against my door. I was reluctant to move, it was only like 7, wasn’t it?

“Louis get up now, we have to leave in 10 minutes!”

Wait, what? I rolled onto my side and plucked my phone off my charger, “shit” I groaned upon viewing the time on the display screen, a picture of Harry and I shone brightly on the screen. I smiled slightly. It was my favourite picture of us, it was just the two of us, our arms draped carelessly around each other making a face for the camera. The lock screen had been that picture for 6 months now. Eleanor hated it.

I heard Harry knock again, “If you don’t get up now I’ll break down your door!!” he bluffed, both of knew full well that he wouldn’t, but the open threat was still there.

“Ok, ok, calm your tits, I’m up.” I grumbled, throwing the think navy blue duvet off my body. A wave of icy cold hit my half naked torso like a thousand knives, shivering I jumped up and slipped the first jumper I could find over my head. Of course it was Harry’s purple Jack Will’s hoodie.


Phase 1 of the love circle: Strangers

June 8th, 2010, the X-Factor bathrooms

Harry’s P.O.V

I heard a door behind me open and a then the sound of someone taking a few light steps forward before they stopped, I looked into the mirror to discreetly see why the person had stopped. So much for subtly, the boy was looking right into the mirror staring at me like I was an exhibit at the zoo. He waved at me enthusiastically when he spotted my eyes on him and smiled. He had a gorgeous smile, his eyes crinkled slightly at the sides and his aqua eyes sparkled in the artificial light. I dried my hands and started to walk out. The boy cleared his throat before speaking, his voice was not at all as I pictured, it was much higher pitched but as smooth and velvety as a silk.

“Going somewhere?” he drawled, smirking slightly and joining me at the door after washing his own hands.

“Yeah, I was just about to- uh you know, go back out” I replied cooly, trying to avert my eyes from his staring ones.

“Right, well, have fun” he smiled and walked out of the door, his hips swaying ever so slightly, highlighting his massive butt. That had to be fake, guys just don’t have asses as big as that.


“That’ll do boys, go rest your voices and be back here in an hour” Will, our producer said warmly before turning back to his desk to finish the mountain load of paperwork that was stacked on the wooden table. Louis’ hand immediately found my upper forearm as he pulled me away from the others.

“Yes?” I asked expectantly, turning to face him.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” He asked, his hands finding my biceps and squeezing them tightly, in a very un-friendly manner.

“Me?!” I squeaked, jerking away from him quickly.

“Yes, you! Why are you getting with Caroline again?” He persisted.

Was that a hint of jealousy I detected? The angry glare I received afterwards was a confirmation to my theory.

“Is ickle Louis jealous?” I taunted, a subtle smirk lingered on my lips as my words sunk in.

What happened next was something I’d never have expected, never in a million years, especially not in this situation, when both of us were clearly pissed off. 

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