Chapter 1

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Summary: Louis is everything Harry wants, everything he needs, Harry is everything Louis could ever want, but he still decides to tuck away his more than friendly feelings for the younger boy when he is fully aware that its pushing Harry to his absolute limits. It goes on and on, for months, when finally Harry cracks. And this is where our story begins and it ends in the most unpleasant way. 

Authors notes: This may or may not be updated regularly as I have school work and such and other fics, it really depends on the feedback this gets, 30+ views for another chapter :)

Warning: Mild swearing


“Hello” I greeted him moodily as Louis walked through the door, hand in hand with her. He dropped the multiple shopping bags he held in his free hand at the door and tossed the empty Starbucks coffee cup into the trash can a few feet away, (It missed)  God was that all they ever did? Shopping and Starbucks dates all year round. What a fucking great couple. 

“What’s up your ass, Styles?” he questioned jokingly, like he'd been able to read my mind. He let go of the girls hand and sat down opposite me, an amused, yet slightly concerned look on his face. I glared at the brunnette girl briefly and sighed, not even bothering to think of a comeback to the man infront of me, so I just glared some more.

“You know what, I’m gonna go, see you another time Boo” she chirped happily, completely unphased. She kissed him softly on the cheek before scuttling out of their apartment. Boo. Boo was my nickname for Louis, no one else was allowed to call him that. Especially not her.

“I’m serious, what’s wrong, Haz? You haven’t spoken to me properly for weeks. I thought we were best friends.”

“That’s the problem, Lou.” I sighed, looking into the older boys eyes once more.

Louis raised an eyebrow, unsure of what were meant by my words. “Oh” Louis said, finally realising what I meant. “Harry not this again, please” he groaned, running his fingers through his hair anxiously. The last time we’d had this conversation; I had fled the apartment in tears.

“We need to Lou. You said you-“

“I am well aware of what I said, Harry” he said hotly, trying his best to avoid the topic at hand.

“You obviously aren’t! You were either lying to me or you didn’t mean it.” I retorted fiercly.

Louis' P.O.V.

“I wasn’t lying, Harry, it’s just-” I sighed and looked down, I hated hurting Harry, I really did, but we just wouldn’t work. If we could, we would be together, but we can’t and therefore aren’t.

“Just what?” Harry said, his voice getting louder and pitch getting lower.

“Nothing” I muttered, obviously trying to end the discussion, but Harry being the stubborn Mule he is he pressend on.



“Just tell me!!”

“WE CAN’T BE TOGETHER HARRY. GET OVER IT” I yelled, causing Harry  to jump slightly. I even scared myself a bit. I stood up quickly and stormed off to my bedroom, slamming the door hard, locking it as soon as the door clicked into place.


“Lou” Harry groaned, knocking lightly on the bedroom door. Argh, can't the kid take a hint? I want to be left alone. Human contact was not going to do me any good right now. But nevertheless, I stood up and unlocked the door, swinging it fully open to revel the dishevelled boy, looking quite upset.

“What do you want, Harry?” I asked exasperatedly.

“I came to apologize-” Harry started, but I cut him off. 

“Apology accepted” I said simply and slammed the door in his face, ok maybe that was a bit rude but I couldn't deal with him at the moment. I flopped back onto my back and heard the door creak open. Trust me to forget to lock it again. I sat up, might as well get this over and done with. 

"Harry, I have a girlfriend. I'm not gay, and neither are you. Please stop messing around, it's not funny anymore, so quit whatever game you're playing at and get back to the old Harry, the one I love"

Harry groaned, the all too familiar words piercing his heart like jagged rocks.

"Louis I think I would know my sexuality better than you." Harry pointed out, crossing his arms defensively across his broad chest. My thoughts drifted briefly to the dream I'd had last night, the one where I was sitting on Harry's naked torso, kissing up and down his neck, and-. I physically shook my head, as if it would help to rid my mind of those thoughts. I saw Harry raise his eyebrow, cocking his head slightly to the side questioningly.

"Lou..." Harry mumbled, trying hard to hide his giggles, I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows.

"What on earth do you want now?"

"Lovely boner you've got going there" He giggled.

"Shit." Now I had some explaining to do, this was going to be one extremely awkward conversation, one I was not, under any circumstances looking forward to.


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