corbyn was jealous.the way he looked at jack when he saw me sitting on his lap wasn't just a mad friend.
there was something more to it.
i walk outside to see corbyn pushing jack into the pool, clothes on and all.
i laugh and they both look at me.
"c-cornb-bread-d, c-can w-we talk?" i ask, stuttering in almost every word.
"sure," he grins.
i walk into the house and grab my phone and start typing what i want to say.
"why did you want a break?" siri reads what i wrote to corbyn.
"i-i... i guess i just thought that we wouldn't be able to communicate with each other and you know that i need to be able to communicate with people," corbyn reasons.
i nod. corbyn wasn't good at figuring things out.
if you gave him a subtle hint that you liked him, he wouldn't notice and continue on into his life.
communication is a big part in his relation ship with someone.
i understand the reason why corbyn didn't want to stay together.
he's always had communication issues.
his last girlfriends that he had back in maine all broke up with him because he couldn't tell them that he loved them.
they were all rushed relationships (although there were only two).
corbyn loved them, but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth faster enough and they left him because they thought he wasn't committed to them.
he cried for days after each of them.
although, he did get over them after long periods of time.
it also took A LOT of ramen and triple chocolate cookie ice cream...
tears start to pour out of his eyes, "i'm so so so sorry azzy. i DO love you."
i pat his back, my eyes starting to water.
"j-just... p-p-please don't-t l-leave me.." i look down, tears dripping down my face.
"i would never.. you're my everything and i think i just had trouble getting that through my thick head," he explains to me, myself putting the pieces together.
we both felt pressured because of the events that had gone on so far after we had reconnected.
we both understood the circumstances and cared for each other.
we weren't used to being together because we were just best friends.
we had never expected it to turn into more than that.
"i would never leave you," he says, looking into my eyes.
"b-b-b-but you d-did and-d it h-hurt.." i stutter, becoming flustered that he broke a promise.
words i didn't say ~ cmb [COMPLETED ✓ ]
Фанфик"b e c a u s e o f t h e w o r d s i d i d n ' t s a y. . . "