Say goodbye to the ordinary - a doctor who fanfic

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Prologue(well sorta)

We all have that one girl in our school who always carries a book around, wears t shirts that has something to do with either space ships or superheroes and rather gossip about fictional characters than actual people. I'm that girl, I'm the one who rather sink into my surroundings with a book than actually be noticed by normal people or have a back to back movie marathon on Netflix for more than 8 hours than to actually go outside. It is a way of "life" that I love because in a fictional world, life is more interesting than the one society wants me to live. It's not like I would actually survive for more than a day in a dystopian universe but in a dystopian universe people have more of a purpose and a lot more excitement than a high school student.

I'm not exactly worried that I'm probably the only one in my entire school who would rather a satyr let me know that I'm a Demi god (Percy Jackson ) than a charming young prince tell me I'm the love of his life or some cheesy stupid crap like that. Because no matter how much I try I will still think like a regular girl because my universe will make sure I can't let my thoughts and day dreams all be about a fictional, non existing place where I would actually rather be in all because of one regular ordinary guy.

It is so ordinary that it should repel me and the fact that I have a crush (the c word ) the guy that even when I look at him makes my brain feel like goo. It's not bad enough that I have a crush my world had to destroy me even more by making him a normal regular guy. I mean it couldn't be a geek like my friend Greg who would actually bother to strike a conversation with me. NO!! ABSOLUTELY NOT !! He had to be Ashton a completely normal and regular just like any other one of society's robot and in other words a jock who is a complete jackass. We'll ad least that's what I thought of him until I was put into his group for our mid term history project he talked about the nazis and ww1 like he had actually been there and oh my god his eyes were the color of aqua like the ocean, deep and old yet pure I'm sorry ok it's just I have lots of time to think about them.

We'll ad least my brain knows that the chances of me being a tribute in the hunger games is higher than my crush noticing my very existence and Greg is being very helpful by being such a sweetheart and keeps saying the sweetest things like "It's never going to happen so stop drooling".

Greg is honestly the closest thing I have to a best friend even though I hardly know him all other than the fact that space fascinates him he can bore me with different theories for hours but the entire time he has this brightness in his face it makes me feel like he doesn't belong here like he should be out there exploring the universe and all it's wonders. But he's just a regular student just like me and the only thing that fuels our friendship are the fact that we are both similar. We both half live in places that seize to exist and we gotten used to it. We aren't normal we are weird and we have each other to talk to about our crazy fandom emotions.

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